Mikey joined Cub Scouts this year. It was something I always had an inkling he’d enjoy but the pieces never came together to make it happen. Until this year. And he loves it. One of the things he was most looking forward to was an overnight stay on the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier down in San Diego. It was to be a special father-son event and Phil made sure to get the time off from work in order to be there with Mikey.
Only, leaving me behind with the other three kiddos didn’t sound so fun. Especially to me. So Phil decided the whole family would go and make a full weekend out of it. Which included playing hooky from school on Friday.
So that we could be here.
Mental health day, changing up the routine, quality family time, call it what you will, but it was just the break this family needed.
Our older two were FINALLY big enough to ride this one-mile-an-hour safari ride by themselves! Gasp!
And this boy was FINALLY big enough to ride, too! Double gasp!
My sweet boy. My crazy man.
Comin’ round the bend.
Such a range of emotions in this one picture.
Ran into Wyld Style!
Phil was especially taken with one mini-figure in particular. Except you can’t really tell which one.
It was this one.
It was exceptionally uncrowded at Legoland that day so there were hardly any lines for the rides. Except for the Sky Cruiser. For some reason, that one is always 45 minutes no matter which day it is. Thankfully they have this middle area for the kids to build and play in.
Another ride this boy is now big enough to ride. All smiles here.
Jonah didn’t make the height requirement for this one, though.
So while they were doing this…
and this…
he was doing this. So hard being the baby. The short baby.
Brother and sister doing the obligatory “we are friends, we love each other, we forgive each other” hug after squabbling with each other.
On the lookout for another ride he can ride.
Here’s one!
And another one!
My happy girl.
His face when he thought we were leaving him behind. This one tends to wear his heart on his sleeve, or rather, his face.
Big brother trying to cheer him up. Not working.
The smile quickly returned when he realized he wasn’t being left behind after all. Such a fickle pickle, that one.
Jonah is in what I call the “testy threes” in that he tests all of our patience, endurance, kindness, gentleness, self-control… Oh wait, that’s a different list. But it still applies. Generally, he tests our will to live. Maybe that’s just me, actually. In any case, he’s the roughest on his big brother. Always getting into his stuff, destroying his Lego creations, causing him physical harm, generally creating havoc whenever it comes to Mikey. And yes, Mikey sometimes gets frustrated with him, as we all do. But he is still the most patient with him, and at the end of the day, would never want him to be left behind. And I so love the big brother Mikey is to that little boy. Such a gentle-hearted kid. Love him so much.
What a wonderful post! I love the pictures as always… the last part about Mikey and Jonah… well that just about sums up so many of our relationships, doesn’t it? Grace… how we need grace and patience as we let our kids unfold and grow and learn… without wanting to pull out our ever graying hair (well, I’m referring to myself!). No doubt, sometimes our kids are our best teachers! Hope to see you soon my friend!
Thank you dear Kim! You are definitely right about our kids being our best teachers. I have a lot to learn from Mikey about giving grace and being patient. And I have ample opportunity to extend grace and patience to our little rascal!
What a wonderful post! I love the pictures as always… the last part about Mikey and Jonah… well that just about sums up so many of our relationships, doesn’t it? Grace… how we need grace and patience as we let our kids unfold and grow and learn… without wanting to pull out our ever graying hair (well, I’m referring to myself!). No doubt, sometimes our kids are our best teachers! Hope to see you soon my friend!
Thank you dear Kim! You are definitely right about our kids being our best teachers. I have a lot to learn from Mikey about giving grace and being patient. And I have ample opportunity to extend grace and patience to our little rascal!