old blog

dog days of summer

temps here have been in the upper 90s with killer humidity.  this has definitely been the hottest summer since we’ve been here.  crazy.  so we decided to beat the heat yesterday by going to an indoor water park.  it took a little bit of time for mikey to get used to the park as it was pretty LOUD in there.  but we all ended up having a great time together. 

the giant kiddie play area

water park 1 


daddy and mikey going down the slide (blurry- taken with our old digi cam).

water park 2 


mikey was a happy boy just eating goldfish crackers and watching everyone else play.

water park 3 


the second child gets dragged everywhere!  poor allie missed her morning nap and tried to make it up on daddy’s shoulder.

water park 4 


one of mikey’s favorite things there was floating down the lazy river.

water park 5 


mikey’s other favorite thing was the bounce house. 

water park 6 


peeking out at the top of the bouncy slide

water park 7 

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