homeland security
the beehive (if you look closely, you can see a bee about to enter the hive)
versus phil tsai
whoa, whoa
retreat! retreat!!
ok, time to regroup…
what’s this?
die, bee, DIE!!!
after dousing the beehive with two full cans of bee killer, our hero came home again. the tree in our front yard was dripping with the spray. an hour later, we saw the bees nonchalantly flying in between the drips and going in and out of their hive.
bees, you may have won this battle, but you WILL NOT WIN the war!!! oh, it’s on, bees, it’s ON!
(note: the picture quality isn’t the best as these were taken from our living room window because uh, hello, there was a live beehive out there! )

you have to hit the beehive like a pinata!
OH MY GOD, yeah, i would be inside too, hee hee with the door locked. i hope it works.
ha ha!!! so funny! that thing shoots far. is there someone you can call for that? i would be inside, too. oh, that profile pic of allie is soooo cute! her pink little pout and bright shiny eyes….oh!…so adorable!
ha ha! those picture and captions are too funny! thanks for the laughs michelle – i can always count on you.
Bahahahaha! Michelle, this was hilarious!
this is hilarious!! oh my gosh, this completely brings back memories. theree were like three wasps nests behind the garage and offices at VKCC, and all the youth guys decided to take them on (they came up with the weirdest contraptions) and I was the official photographer. oh man, it was hilarious. one picture is of them attacking, and then the next everyone is running awaay. I’ll show you one day. it was so much fun watching phil do the same thing! brave man to do it alone.
RYC: Thanks for that info! I will let hubby know…he will be relieved that Baby will probably be an Aries=D
I have to admire his courage (if not his common sense).
giddy. i agree with jenny – great pics and captions. but gosh, what if they were KILLER BEES??
Great story! Sad to hear the cans didn’t work, though.
Maybe it’s time to call your association so they can call in the exterminators. It’s really their tree anyway, right? We wouldn’t want your ‘hero’ to get stung on his second attempt!
homeland security. =) too funny! phil is really brave to take on the beehive by himself. i would definitely be indoors too. =)
Phil is one brave man! I can totally hear your voice as I read your captions =) . Love your new profile pic too!
I lost your email address!!! But I wanted to tell you that Kingdom Kids did get what you sent. Thank you soooooo much!! That was such a huge amount!! Bless you. I hope you read this comment, otherwise you’ll think I was really ungrateful!