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golden weekend

phil tells me that as an intern, he gets one weekend off per month.  they call that the ‘golden weekend’.  unfortunately, phil didn’t get one during his internal med month.  but he’s now doing a month of dermatology and gets every weekend off and has no call!  (oh, how i love you, dermatology.  *kiss!*) 

last weekend was the first weekend where he’s had both days off.  and believe you me, we partied it up!  warning, a BUNCH of pictures in this one!

friday, we had dinner at chuck e. cheese’s

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playing air hockey on tippy toes


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phil trying to win big


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146 tickets!


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awash in tickets


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apparently, mikey had the most fun playing with the water fountain. 


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allie seemed to have a good time, too!


saturday, we braved the 100+ degree weather to go to the rib america festival.  ribs, baby!!! 

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we sampled aussie ribs (these were the BEST!)


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and memphis ribs w/ a dry rub (not as good as the aussie ones).


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a pig holding a slab of ribs… kinda disturbing, no?


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the best part was all the free stuff we got!  there was a market there giving away all kinds of food from breakfast cereals to ice cream.  they handed out yellow bags and you could just go around and pick up whatever you wanted.  and we got it all (in answer to julie, yes those are beggin strips and no, we don’t have a dog!  hee hee).  we even got $20 in gift cards to baker’s square!


sunday, we finally got to go to church all together again!  in the evening, we went to a waterpark with our good friends the schnells.  it was perfect for little kids and the water felt great!

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from left: adam, lorie, jenna, mikey, phil, and allie


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adam and phil about to go down the water slides.  not to be outdone, lorie and i threw caution to the wind and tried them out ourselves.  i’m now a total fan.  who knew?

we had a great time together all weekend.  we’ll have to tone it down for the upcoming weekends, but it’ll still be nice to have daddy around!

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