i’m a happy, happy girl.
on the way home after shopping at whole foods last week, we happened to drive by a brand new trader joe’s!!! my favorite food store has finally come to me! there is currently only one location here in minnesota and thankfully, it’s *sorta* close to us. close enough that i’d still make the drive out there every couple weeks, anyway. and even though we already had a trunkful of groceries, we still had to stop to wander the aisles and buy another cartful of good stuff. heh heh.
so, any suggestions of things we should try? what’s new in the five years we’ve been without? what’s in with the toddler crowd?
getting my shopping list out…

ooh, i’m interested in what things to try too. i think i’ve been to TJoe’s only a few times since it’s a new store to me.
we don’t go to our trader joe’s nearly enough. i do love the chocolate milk and the funky shaped flour tortillas
oooh and the cheap eggs with the expiration date stamped right on the shell (hee hee, my dad gets a laugh over that one). hmmm, sounds like i need to take a trip up there this weekend. 
ooh i forgot, Barbara’s shredded wheat is so yummy (hee hee of course with splenda or some other sweetner, who could eat cereal plain?!?
That’s exciting! We like their Orange Chicken in the frozen section, their Indian curry sauces and the Naan bread =) … oh, and their Dips: pesto & artichoke! Their BBQ chips are yummy too.
we just tried this carne asada thing from there and it was really good….it said on the package, carne asada – marinated thinly-sliced sirloin beef…..all i had to do was put it on our grill pan and it was ready in like 5 minutes. lots of flavor with a little kick…not sure how mikey would handle it, though.
spinach artichoke dip! spinach artichoke dip!