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summer’s last hurrah

last friday evening, we headed to the state fair, also known as “the great minnesota get-together”.  the arrival of the state fair is a last hurrah of sorts as it marks the end of glorious summer days.  it was also our last hurrah as a family for two reasons:  this will be the last year we’ll be able to go ,  and it’ll be our last family outing for a while as phil just finished his month of dermatology and is now entrenched in the long hours of his peds rotation.  though he says it’s not quite as busy as medicine was, the call schedule will be every fourth night again.

with two little ones in tow, we didn’t get to spend the full day at the fair and so missed a lot of stuff.  but!  we did make sure mikey got to play on the tractors. 


future farmer of america?

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me and my babies.  i can’t believe allie is already five months old!

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every year we go to the fair (and we’ve gone EVERY year!), phil always visits the u of m building.  every year, i walk through thinking it’s exactly the same.  but this year, phil got me to go back in to see the little brown jug – the trophy passed between the minnesota and michigan football teams.  this is the first time we’ve had it in nineteen years!

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we also visited the miracle of birth center where a baby calf had just been born minutes before we got there.  kinda glad we missed it because that might have been traumatizing for mikey.  but the little baby animals were soooo cute!

baby ducks

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just be glad you’re not this pig momma!

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here’s mikey yelling, “too BIG!!!” at this very pregnant goat.

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here’s that baby calf getting up on its feet for the first time.

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what else did we do there?  oh yeah… we ATE!


mikey’s personal favorite– kettle corn.

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my personal fave– fried green tomatoes.

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phil’s pick of the night– giant turkey leg.

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mikey enjoyed it as well.

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and no trip to the fair would be complete without a deep fried candy bar!  (we shared one between the three of us, so it wasn’t THAT bad, right?!)

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thanks for the memories!

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