pooped (girls only post!)
my day…
8:15 drag self out of bed. shower. brush teeth. put pjs back on. don’t want to think about what to wear today.
8:45 go downstairs to get mikey’s milk cup. bring mikey to our bed, quick cuddle, give him his milk. get allie from her crib, join mikey on the bed, nurse. allie decides to absolutely refuse one side. repeated attempts result only in louder crying. give in and nurse on the other side. read some books to mikey while allie still nurses. try not to hit her on the head with board book. try to nurse on the hated side once more, resulting in more crying. resume on other side.
9:25 change allie’s diaper, get her dressed for the day. refused side is about to burst.
9:35 set mikey up in playroom to watch sesame street. usually would not do this, but i NEED to pump. put allie in crib to watch mobile. run downstairs to get pump and supplies, go back to bedroom to pump.
10:00 change mikey’s diaper, get him dressed for the day. get allie from crib and we all go downstairs.
10:15 put both kids in their feeding seats. allie hangs out while mikey and i eat cereal for breakfast.
10:30 kids and i head outside. mikey plays with random things in our garage while allie and i sit in a chair and watch him. mikey brings over a bottle of bubbles. i blow bubbles while mikey chases them and allie lets them pop in her hair.
11:10 go back inside, wash mikey’s hands, head upstairs. lay allie down in crib for her morning nap. she goes down without a peep. love that girl. turn on barney for mikey. go downstairs to get a snack for us both. peel and cut up red plum. bring it and kettle corn upstairs and sit next to mikey. we eat and watch.
11:30 mikey watches clifford while i get some stuff ready to mail.
12:00 mikey and i go downstairs. turn on silly songs with larry. read books together. put together wooden puzzles. play with cars.
12:45 heat up chicken noodle soup for mikey. feed mikey lunch.
1:10 mikey goes back to play in the living room. go upstairs to get allie up, bring her downstairs to nurse. allie eats. mikey poops. change both their diapers.
1:45 get everyone buckled into the car. drive to post office. park in last remaining space and see that my bag and wallet are not in the car. dig around for loose change to see if i have enough to buy postage for large envelope. have just enough. get allie out and strapped into baby bjorn. get mikey out and firmly hold his hand. see my bag in the trunk. hold mikey’s hand and keys with one hand, open trunk and get bag out with the other. haul everyone to the post office. buy one stamp. love the automated postal machine. pick out a few priority mail boxes for future mailing needs. mikey insists on holding them for me. drops them. after picking them back up, head back to the car.
2:05 buckle allie and mikey back in the car. drive home. pick up mail. park in garage. let mikey play in driver’s seat. get allie out of carseat.
2:30 get everyone inside. lay allie down in living room. carry mikey upstairs to bed for a nap. come back downstairs to get allie. carry her upstairs. allie and i play for a bit on our bed. then lay her down for nap in pack n play. do dance of joy. just kidding. go back downstairs to heat up tj’s teriyaki chicken bowl for lunch for me. (didn’t have enough time to eat when mikey ate since i had to feed him quick before getting allie up to feed her).
3:00-5:00 quiet time. internet time. read up on double stroller reviews.
5:00-5:30 quick nap for me.
5:30 get allie up and nurse her. realize i should have gotten mikey up first since he’s awake too. wish there were two of me. change allie’s diaper.
5:45 take allie with me to go get mikey. lay allie down in crib to watch mobile. change mikey’s diaper. set mikey up in playroom to watch short video. i go downstairs to get a snack for mikey and heat up allie’s dinner of rice cereal and applesauce. bring up fruit cup for mikey. get allie and lay her down next to me and feed fruit to mikey.
6:15 we all head downstairs. mikey munches on goldfish crackers while i feed allie. mikey wants allie’s applesauce. i tell him it’s allie’s baby food. mikey asks a few more times. allie seems done. mikey finishes up allie’s dinner. i get him some more regular applesauce. he eats a few bites. i finish up the rest.
6:30 buckle mikey and allie back up in the car. drive to park. strap allie into baby bjorn. get mikey out. we walk to the waterfall where mikey throws leaves in. we walk to playground where mikey plays with the gravel. then we head to the swings. i decide allie’s old enough to try swinging too. i put her in one and mikey in the other one. mikey wants me to swing too. we all swing with me getting out periodically to push them. get them out of swings, start walking back to car. mikey sees a miniature terrier dog. the owner is nice enough to stop and let mikey see the dog. we chat. mikey gets bold and introduces the owner to his baby and his mommy. we resume walking to the car. mikey sees a squirrel eating a nut in a tree. mikey wants to hold him. i tell him the squirrel doesn’t want to be held and may bite.
7:30 buckle them both back into the car. drive home. get everyone inside. put allie in exersaucer, wash mikey’s hands. boil some potstickers for dinner. push cars back and forth with mikey in kitchen while we wait for dinner. allie gets fussy. hold allie.
8:00 put both kids into feeding seats again. allie examines one belt strap while mikey and i eat.
8:30 everyone upstairs. set mikey up to watch ernie video (really don’t like to let him watch so much tv, but this was just one of those days). lay allie down on our bed, run a bath for her. with her long hair and many rolls, she needs a bath often. give allie bath. put her into pjs, nurse her, and lay her down in pack n play for the night. she’s out.
9:00 go downstairs to get mikey’s milk cup. give mikey his milk, sit together for the end of the video. go to mikey’s room, change diaper and put him into pjs. read him three stories. brush teeth. realize i forgot to brush his teeth this morning. pray together. turn out lights. tickle torture a few times. tell him to stay in bed, go to sleep, love you. shut door.
9:40 clean up dishes in kitchen. get the rest of the potstickers and bring down into basement.
10:00 eat dinner. feel what a loooong day it’s been in my bones.
11:35 about to head up to nurse allie one more time and get myself to bed. realize phil hasn’t called all day. must have been a busy day for him too! hopefully he’ll get some sleep tonight or else i’ll have to repeat the above tomorrow while he gets some rest.

man, walking the stairs must just kill your back with those kiddos. poor michelle. time for some tlc for mommy.
i’ll pray that you get some rest and maybe even a bubble bath. *hugs*
wahhhh! i was so tired reading your post. oh my! i’m not ready for this second child! so sorry that you have to do so many nights all on your own. at least i’ll have help in the evenings. i say that the next time phil has a day off or an afternoon off, that you get to go out all on your own and get your nails or toes or both done and enjoy a treat like jamba juice or ice cream while having your nails/toes/ or both done. that’s what i say. 😉
wow, it seems busy, but you seem to have a smooth running system. one of the mom’s (mother of 6 kids from 5 months to 12 years old with a husband in iraq for 1 year) always says that God give her enough time each day to do just what he wants her to do. you seem to get all the important stuff done!
that sure was a long day. although my days are different (1 kiddo and usually hans being home at night), your day sounded familiar enough for me to sympathize. thanks for sharing, though. it somehow feels good to know that we are all in the same season in life and that i’m not alone.
those are the days i pray and thank God for a really, really, good sleep. i pray for you to get some really good, recuperative sleep this week. 
what a day you had!!! i don’t know how you do it. i’m telling you…. only certain women were meant to be dr.’s wives.
oh my! i was tired for you after reading your post. i am in awe of how moms can handle more than one child. you’re doing a great job! and keeping a sense of humor… soo important. i wish that you lived nearby. can’t wait til you move back.
Such a good mom you are (like I EVER doubted for a second)! Sounds like a fun day for BOTH kids. You give your ALL to those two munchkins….fun activities, lots of good snacks/naps/love. I can only aspire to have such a well-oiled system in place with 2 kids. WOW…..did I mention WOW!?! Yeah, and if you need *girl* time, give me a call. Sounds like you need a ‘golden weekend’ or a ‘golden evening or couple of hours’ just to yourself…or maybe with a pal.
I’m tired just reading about your day…Wow.