let’s go fly a kite!
we took advantage of yesterday’s breezy afternoon by having lunch and flying a kite in a nearby park.
at first, phil tried to be ‘one-man show’ and get the kite flying by himself.
he ended up doing lots of running trying to get that kite up into the air. boy, it was hard keeping the camera steady to take pictures what with me laughing my head off at this point. my husband cracks me up.
then, mikey wanted to give it a try.
when my brother and i were kids, we used to get kites up in the air by one of us holding up the kite and the other one running to give it a lift. or something like that. phil was pretty skeptical of the plan when i suggested it.
ready for lift-off!
oh… oh…? what have we here?
yeah, baby!
“hold on, da-dee!”
then it was mikey’s turn to fly the kite.
next thing we knew… *gasp!*
yup, the boy wanted to see what would happen if he let it go.
this is what happened.
fishing the kite out of the tree.
back in business!
under strict orders to NOT let it go.
ps- happy 6 months to my allie girl!

ahh love to fly kites too. looks like you know what you were doing!! (i think ian has a little jacket very similar to mikey’s. his is brown corduroy with reversible plaid liner.)
I was afraid that the kite might take Mikey away with it! Such cute pictures, Michelle!!
happy 6 months to allie. i’ve never flown a kite before but it sure does look fun.
I was wondering if you guys ever flew that kite of yours or if it just always stayed in the back of your car or in your garage.
I guess you were just waiting for a windy day. Looks like loads of fun. Mikey continues to be a riot. Happy b-day Allie!!
looks like you guys had so much fun! i laughed so loud, johnny had to take a look. your pics are being save on our computer too =).
Oh what an adventure! You really gave a step by step process. I felt like I was there! If I show the kids this one, they’ll want to go to the beach to fly our kites that just hang in the garage. HEE HEE.
Of course Mama knows best=D
so much fun!!! phil should know by now that you’re always right!