“date night”
i recently brought to phil’s attention that our last date took place on october 12, 2005.
2005, people!
so, we decided that we need to have dates again. but it’s a little tricky with phil’s busy work schedule and having two little ones, one that still nurses. on top of that is phil’s reluctance to have people babysit for us. being the nice guy that he is, i know that he really doesn’t like to inconvenience or impose on anyone like that. never been a problem for me though!
anyway, we’re trying a new experiment. once a month, we shall have a date night… at home. initially, we thought we could do it after the kids were in bed for the night. and the other rules were that we’d take turns planning the evening, it had to be more than just a bucket o’ chicken and a dvd, and that we both had to be dressed nicely, like we were really going somewhere. i know that sounds sad, it was still something to look forward to!
so phil came home last night for our first “date night”. with take-out from olive garden! but sadly, it turned out to be a bit of a bust. we both realized that we wouldn’t get to eat dinner til 10pm, if we waited til after everyone was down for the night. so we went ahead and ate all together. phil fed mikey, i fed allie. allie decided to be unhappy unless i held her. mikey finished 8 minutes into the meal and wanted to go play. phil hurriedly finished his meal and took allie with him to play in the living room with mikey. i ended up eating my dinner (cold by now) by myself at the table. sigh… phil called from the living room, “how’s your date going?” grrr!
we spent the rest of the evening playing at the park until it started to sprinkle, then going to walk around at the mall. i told phil it was a fun night, just like old times, but not. heh heh. it was still nice to not have to make dinner anyway.
so here are a few pictures from our big night on the town. uh, i mean, at home.
my date for the night. now if he could just detach himself from that cute little baby!
my philly had the table all ready…
mikey spotted our dessert right away and decided to help himself.
caught ya red-handed, buddy!

wow that sounded so romantic, to have a plan an all. i give you both an A+ for effort. at least you didn’t have to cook. sorry the kiddos didn’t understand what date night meant. maybe next time, and maybe you can move the bed time up now that fall/winter is coming. Good luck.
At home date nights are great! I mean, they are better than nothing 🙂 I speak from vast experience here. Sorry yours didn’t work at the way it was planned…you’ll think of something for next time. (And when you do think of something, tell me…I’m all ears.)
Oh, and yes, I’ve always had bangs.
at least you gave it a good try. it didn’t turn out so bad though right? no cooking and it looks like you only had a few dishes to do afterward. i think having dates at home is a cute idea since it is difficult to get sitters all the time. a lot of “date” nights, anniversary dinners, etc… have been with austin and it’s still great.
We do this all the time, including the 10:00 pm dinners! It’s a long time to wait, but the food just seems to taste better when the kids are down (or maybe it’s just that I’m able to actually taste it)? 🙂
So cute that you guys dressed up for it, though. And Phil gets points for setting the table that way!
if you guys move to San Pedro, i’ll babysit the kiddos!!!!!!!! 🙂
i love at-home date nights! but wow..you guys go all out, what with the dressing up and all! NICE! betcha it works out better next time
dang, food looks good…oh, and your family looks good too. haha.
stay at home, play in the park, cold pasta. dude,, that’s a first rate date in my book.
You’re cool that you can laugh at it all!
wow, phil did good getting appetizer and dessert to boot. maybe if that happens again where you have to eat with the kiddos, you can save the dessert until the kids are down and savor a nice, HOT cup of coffee with it. leisurely eating a still hot meal is such a treat, huh?
yeah, that’s where i got all the good info for making and freezing stuff…wholesomebabyfood. and, yeah, kate probably can eat all chunky or table foods now…but the only problem is that she only has a sweet tooth and i can’t get her to eat any nonfruits without mixing in fruit with it and so i’ve been just giving her pureed veggies, tofu or beans mixed in with pureed fruits. but she loves all cheese and bready stuff (but, who doesn’t?) so i give those to her and sometimes chunks of fruit. but, yeah, i gotta not make too much. wish i did this earlier, but i guess now i know for my next one.
What a great idea…just sucks that it didn’t turn out as planned. Keep trying…because couple time is SOOOO important!
is that chocolate cake from costco? we love chocolate cake too! looks like Phil is doing a great job as a father and husband!