jcp pics
ok, it’s been a few months since these were taken, but here are some pictures from jcp. we went on two different days to get all these shots, but it was worth it as both photographers we had did a great job! i was really happy about that since we’ve had stinky jcp photogs in the past. needless to say, we went a little crazy and ordered A LOT. but hey, they’re not going to be this little forever, right?
mikey at two years old…
allie at three months old…
brother and sister…
family shot…
allie’s ‘diaper shot’…
my sweet girl. have i mentioned that i love my girl so~o~o much?

such great pictures!!! i really like your family shot–wow, everyone looking at the camera, no one crying..that’s quite a feat!
yikers, jonathan’s over 18 months and i have yet to take him to a photo studio…
So ya got a lot, eh? Hmm, then where’s MINE??!! 🙂
Seriously, though, these pictures are adorable! Mikey’s such a handsome sweet-faced boy! And Allison’s such a beautiful girl!
Just as cute on-line as on your wall at home! Such a photogenic family you have!
awwww!!!! mikey’s such a natural model! he’s a cutie! allie’s sooo adorable. especially in the first two pictures. the photographer did a great job.
they came out great! good job in ordering a lot. 🙂
Oh my…what a handsome boy! Mikely is going to be a heartbreaker! LOL…you know that Allie is going to be so embarrass when you show those mohawk pictures to her boyfriends=D Too cute!
great pictures! i love the bro and sis one. and nice family pic! and to think you were nervous about being a “girl mom” over a “boy mom”….i guess you just needed to meet allie first.
aaaw. i love her pudgy folded-over skin. like a little bulldog.
love the family shot…great pics all around.