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playing in the park with my son

back by popular demand (a request from one person equates popular demand in my book.  thanks, helen!  ), here are more pictures of the pretty outside.  these were taken earlier this week when mikey and i were playing in the park.  phil was post-call and stayed home with allie.  it’s very unusual to still be in shorts this time of year, but we’ve been having unheard of 80-degree weather lately.  gotta soak up every minute as the snow will be falling before we know it!

mikey’s loooves this little waterfall.  he loves to watch the water rush by, he loves to throw leaves and sticks in and watch them float down, he even loves dipping his hand in and tasting the water- much to my dismay as phil says he could get some sort of parasite from the lake water.  yuck!  he always manages to stick his fingers in his mouth before i can stop him. 

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mikey also loves to swing!

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another favorite (for both of us!) is to run through the crunchy leaves.

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while mikey was busy with the above activities, i managed to snap a few pictures of the lovely trees.

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and in other news…  we had our first playground accident yesterday.  mikey was swinging stomach-down and was a bit too far forward.  the swing slipped out from under him and he did a face-dive right into the wood chips.  he got a bunch of scrapes on his face (the picture doesn’t show them all), but otherwise, he’s okay!

mikey 1

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