new schedule due to time change
7:30 am– i wake up, shower, get ready for the day.
8:00 am– get kids up, give mikey his milk, nurse allie. mikey goes to play, change allie’s diaper, get her dressed. change mikey’s diaper, get him dressed.
8:45 am– all go downstairs. turn on music, mikey and allie play in living room (allie in supersaucer, mikey roaming around). i make everyone’s breakfast (eggs every other day, hot or cold cereal on non-egg days).
9:00 am– feed allie her breakfast, mikey eats his, i help him as needed. give allie sip of water from sippy cup. clean up both kids, mikey gets out, allie stays sitting and plays with chew toy. i eat.
9:30 am– all of us together in living room, read, play, listen to music. or go out for a short errand.
10:00 am– i take allie up for morning nap. changer her diaper if needed. mikey stays downstairs. play-doh time. or play cars, balls, read.
10:30 am– video time. i go downstairs to clean. come up with snack for mikey, fruit or yogurt.
11:30 am– mikey and i go downstairs to play, read, listen to music. make lunch for mikey.
12:00 pm– mikey eats lunch.
12:30 pm– bring allie downstairs. nurse her. change her diaper, change mikey’s diaper.
1:00 pm– go out for errand or to library or to park (weather permitting).
2:00 pm– put both mikey and allie down for naps.
2:00-5:00 pm– i eat lunch, quiet time, internet, nap. do some dinner prep.
4:30 pm– get allie up, nurse her, change diaper.
4:30 pm– get mikey up, change diaper, video time. allie and i sit with him.
5:30 pm– leave mikey upstairs, allie and i go downstairs. put allie in exersaucer near kitchen. i continue making dinner.
6-6:30 pm– phil comes home. hangs out with mikey and allie.
6:30 pm– dinner time. phil helps mikey eat, i feed allie. then we eat.
7:15 pm– clean up kitchen, hang out together, or go out.
8:15 pm– start bedtime. (8 pm bath if needed) take allie upstairs to change diaper, put into pjs, nurse, and down for the night. mikey and phil come up, mikey drinks his milk, change diaper, put into pjs, read books, pray, night lights.
9:00 pm– rock a baby with mikey, put into bed down for the night.
9:00-11:00 pm– hang out time. get ready for bed.
11:30 pm– bedtime.
11:30 pm – 7:30 am– sleep. hopefully no interruptions.