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let’s go gophers!

phil started his radiology rotation last week.  i love radiology *almost* as much as i loved dermatology.  he works regular weekday hours, no overnight call, no weekends.  AND, he gets veterans’ day off as well as the entire thanksgiving weekend off!  yahooooo!!!  this year has been either feast or famine mode for us and currently, it’s all about feasting baby!

phil got us tickets for the gophers football game this past saturday.  it was minnesota versus indiana.  the final score was 63-26.  minnesota won!  they’ve had a pretty bad season so far, so it was nice to be at a winning game even though we only stayed for half of it.  both mikey and allie did great, but we didn’t want to push it.

here are some pictures from our day at the game.


look who’s finally sitting up on her own!

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gopher fam.

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inside the metrodome.

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mikey really enjoyed watching ‘foop-ball’.  especially after daddy bought him a bucket of popcorn.  his favorite!

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i did say popcorn’s his favorite, didn’t i?

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allie was tired even before we left the house.  she ended up sleeping on daddy’s shoulder for most of the time we were there.  i love how the girl can nap anyplace, anytime.  even with canons going off after every gopher touchdown.  and they made a lot of touchdowns! 

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here she is fresh from her nap.  allie’s wearing this gopher shirt at 7.5 months old.  mikey wore this exact same shirt last year when he was 18 months old.  why is he such a peanut?!

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gopher fans.

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in other news, mikey woke up this morning with a stomach bug.  he’s thrown up four times so far today.  one of the times was in the supermarket!    mikey had perked up a bit, so i got overly ambitious and took the kids out since we needed food.  bad idea.  but for once i was prepared and had a bucket juuust in case.  good thing cuz we ended up needing it!  right there in the bakery section.  i had allie in the baby bjorn, so i couldn’t hold him and so he had to continue sitting in the front basket of the cart.  he cried for a while, then laid his head down on his bear and fell asleep!  poor kid.  he’s now getting some much needed sleep upstairs.  and i’m getting to eat for the first time today.  what a day.  *whew*.

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