last night, phil was headed out to target to pick up a few things. he asked if i needed anything. for some random reason, the only thing that came to mind was pantiliners. not too difficult, right? i was thinking kotex, always, you know, the girl aisle. phil came back home with these…


me: uh phil? poise are for people who pee in their pants!
phil: well, it was either those or depends! did you want the depends instead?
at this point, phil and i dissolve into fits of laughter. you know, the kind of laughing where once you start, you can’t stop? and the harder you try to stop, the more you end up laughing? laughing to the point where your sides ache, you can’t breathe, and you must curl up on the ground or die? yeah, that kind. the worst part was that the kids were sleeping in the room directly above where we were so we tried to keep our laughter silent, but anytime one of us would look at the other, it would start us up all over again. seriously, i almost needed those poise pads right then!
later that night as we were getting ready for bed, phil (still puzzled) came in to the bathroom and asked, “so why don’t they put all that stuff in the same aisle? i thought it was strange that they only had two brands.” i quizzically looked at him (thinking, “really? this is still a mystery to you?”) and said, “because a period is not the same thing as peeing your pants!”
at which point we dissolved into another fit of laughter.
whew! i’ve not laughed that hard in ages.

Omg, that’s hilarious! =D
wow, i’m not sure i would trust paul to go down the “girly” aisle for me. but at least you saw the humor in it. poor, poor phil.
hahaha! i wonder if the checker suspected he was buying the wrong thing but couldn’t say anything…
make him return them!!! AHAHAHA!
Ohhh..too funny! I think the next time you will have to give him more directions…poor phil.
Laughter like that…good for the soul!
What a riot!
I think that this is a good lesson: A woman should buy her own pantiliners.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. toooooo funny! my tummy hurts.
that was sure nice of Phil. I think it would have been a little scary if he knew exactly what to buy =) .
okay, really embarassing but i actually bought them myself one time on accident at costco. they were in the pad section and how was i to know? i don’t read the covers carefully!
the worst part was returning them.
That’s so funny! Hopefully the same checkout person doesn’t see you and Phil together and remember that Phil bought those things “for you.”