from an attempted photo shoot at home today…

note: i said attempted because in all those shots, the kids were supposed to be looking at the camera. imagine me, hot and sweaty from moving furniture around to set up the background, tired and grumpy from lack of sleep these days, frustrated and hollering, “LOOK OVER HERE AT MOMMY!” at two poor kids with boogery colds. this is what i got 226 pictures later. 

very very cute!!!! i love all of them!
you should get frames that come in that layout with nine pictures and put the pictures in just like you posted. too cute. and allie is suuuuch a cutie pie! i love her hair and her overall just cutie-pie-ness.
johnny and i think mikey & allie are the cutest kids we’ve ever seen! =)
Good job! Can you do my kids too? : )
What do you mean, “attempted”? Those are great!
they are great! i like the combo of them looking and not looking at the camera. they look professional!
Great shots! Looks like you’ve got a second career in the works! I agree with everyone else…Mikey and Allie are too cute!!
I thought you had a photographer come over! I can’t believe you managed to have shots where they are smiling, forget looking at the camera! Mine would have serious meltdowns! You are a photographer at heart! Keep it up and you might have a career!
They are kissably cute 🙂
lol! they ALL look great! put up the other 226!
agreed with everyone. super cool.
Thanks! I’ll be sure to write “Michelle Tsai is super duper cool!” on our report
hey those look goooo-oooo-oood! we have a wall of 9 close up pics of jonathan in our house…you should definitely frame these!