thanksgiving recap
warning, this one’s looong.
it all started wednesday night when phil brought these home for me.
we were thankful to be able to celebrate thanksgiving this year with our good friends, joe, natalie, and baby katelyn brath. i was extra thankful because my thoughtful husband decided to order a complete dinner (appetizers, turkey with all the trimmings, and dessert!) from supertarget so that i could relax and enjoy the day instead of spending it all in the kitchen. good food, good friends, good times!
after dinner (we ate around lunchtime), we put the kids down for naps so we could play cards and eat dessert. unfortunately, poor katelyn only slept for 20 minutes before waking up again. but she let us finish our nail-biter round of uno. this was phil’s reaction when i told him to move out of the picture.
friday was the at-home photo shoot.
our baby chubs decided she wanted out of that frou-frou outfit.
saturday, we pressed on and went to bachman’s to pick out our christmas tree. sadly, both kids caught colds by now and everyone was bordering on misery. so this was the only picture where no one looked totally grouchy. c’mon people! we’re making memories here! SMILE!!!
but! we did get to enjoy lunch at the little bakery within the garden center. phil and i shared a quiche lorraine that was light and delicious! my plate…
to keep allie occupied while i ate, i gave her a piece of croissant to play with. it went straight to her mouth and there it stayed until there was just a little gummed-over piece left. the girl then cried when i tried to take it away to clean her up! something tells me she’s ready for more than her fruit and veggie purees now.
sunday, we attempted to go to church even though both kids were still sick. we kept them with us but ended up leaving during the singing since allie was getting fussy and needed a nap. but here’s her happy self before we left home that morning.
while allie napped, the rest of us decorated the tree.
though mikey decided some of the ornaments were better to play with than to hang up.
sunday night, we ate a quick dinner and headed out to see the holidazzle parade in downtown minneapolis. we took advantage of the unusually warm weather and enjoyed the parade in 47 degree weather. the last time we went, it was negative 2. and believe me when i say that NOTHING is enjoyable outside in negative 2 degree weather. this time was way more fun.
we didn’t get there early enough to get a front row view, but mikey got a pretty good seat.
and allie stayed toasty warm with me…
we were all a bit jacked up by monday, so the kids and i spent the day recovering at home and getting back to our normal routine while poor phil had to return to work.
happy belated thanksgiving!

baby chubs! =) ha-ha! great pics! i love the one with you and allie in the jacket! looks like you guys had a great time over Thanksgiving!
you took those pictures at home?!? they are way better than sears, and the kids look more relaxed than if you went into the studio. nice tree by the way!!
oh yeah, we had turkey just didn’t get any leftovers (plus it was a tad dry sorry to my mother in law)
that quiche looked so yummy…too bad you had to share it, i could’ve eaten the whole thing
those “studio” pictures turned out really well, good on ya.
those pictures are beautiful! we still need to take photos. um, can you swing on by and take them for us? he he. 🙂
Great pictures. And that parade looks so cool! My kids would love that.
i feel ya, mikey. some of those ornaments are fun.
Hi Michelle. It’s Eunice. : ) By the pictures, I can tell that you guys lead a fun-filled life with the little ones. I think if it were me, I’d brave the cold in the inside of my heater-running home. You go mamma!
so much fun! i love those pictures! you are turning into a real pro.
haha…allie’s little head peeping out…so cute. nice pictures. your photo shoot look better than the ones i pay for. you could make a nice little business on the side just taking pictures of all the babies you know.