so we’re back from our week-long vacation in florida. needing some serious recovery time around here, but poor phil is on call today, his first day back. i’ll post pictures soon (took 1045!) after i get a chance to look through them and pick out a few good ones. in the meantime, could you please pray for our little allie? she woke up with a temp of 104.1 at 4 am this morning. i’ll be taking her to the doctor this afternoon.

Definitely will pray!!! Poor girl. I thought she was over the worst of it.
Keep me posted on her recovery!
hope allie gets better! man, you guys are always jet setting all around! so fun! post pictures soon! 🙂
104?!?! so sad, poor little baby girl. 🙁
OH MY, prayers of course!!!(for both of you) that is a little scary, let’s hope she’s cutting a tooth or something easy to treat like that.
wow a week in Florida, i was wondering where you were hiding, j/k. hugs and kisses all around.
Awww. poor baby!! I really hope she feels better soon. And.. DANG WOMAN! You took 1045 pictures? I guess that happens when you have 2 cute kids… heheeh.. i’m sure i’ll be (MORE) picture crazy after the baby comes.
oh no! how is she now? update please and post pics!
Yikes…that’s alot of pictures! Please keep us updated on how Allie is doing.