allie woke up today with a temp of 103.8. she threw up her dinner on monday night and her breakfast yesterday morning. she hasn’t eaten since then, though she nursed on one side last night before bed. she slept 20 out of 24 hours yesterday and is sleeping again upstairs. i called her clinic and they’re concerned because her fever is still not coming down. we’re going in an hour. please pray. i’m feeling a bit like crying myself.

poor thing…i hope she didn’t pick up RSV or something bad like that. poor allie and poor michelle.
wahhh! how is she now? did the appointment go okay?
š scary…will be praying for Allie and the fam…
I hope Allie gets better. She will be in my thoughts and prayers.
oh man. my heart is breaking!!! keep us posted on how she is doing. i am praying for her!!!!