clinic update
so we took allie in for her clinic visit this morning. the good news– her fever is way down and her temp is finally normal. we actually didn’t have to give her baby tylenol today when she woke up for the first time in a week! other good news is that she nursed well and kept it down. and she has finally learned to take a bottle! they wanted to give her some pedialyte at the clinic since she still has signs of dehydration. i tried the bottle with her and she actually drank 3 ounces! yay!
the bad news– the doctor checked her ears and said, and i quote, “i have to tell you, her ears still look really nasty.” so it looks like the antibiotic she got yesterday through the iv still hasn’t done the trick. so they gave her another injection of it today and said she *should* perk up considerably by this afternoon. so far, she’s still really sleepy and lethargic. the doctor said he’d call later today to check on how she’s doing and we are scheduled for another visit saturday morning to check her ears and to possibly give her another dose of the antibiotic. other bad news is that now she seems to have picked up a viral infection unrelated to her ear infection. the doctor discovered that now her throat looks really red and sore and she also has a fever rash all over her body that just appeared this morning.
my poor baby. needle poke count thus far: 2 pokes in her left hand for the iv, one poke in her right hand, 2 heel pokes in her right foot for the extra blood tests, and 1 poke in her left thigh for today’s antibiotic injection.
in light of all this, i am reminded of just how blessed we have been thus far to have two relatively healthy kids. this past week has been so draining and exhausting, i can’t imagine how families do this on an on-going basis with chronically ill children. my heart certainly goes out to them. praise God for protecting us through all this and allowing us to lean on Him for strength and peace.

At least her fever is down, and she never had a febrile seizure(right?!?) let’s hope mikey stays healthy. Glad she is finally eating!!! i worry if ian won’t eat when he is healthy but to be sick. you must be going through pure hell. my prayers and thoughts are still with you…and my mom now has a prayer chain going.
i’ll keep praying for allie. poor thing! not another thing. i’ve been checking xanga all the time to see how allie’s been doing. i’ve been keeping a mental count of her needle pokes, too. i feel for her so much! i feel for you, too. if i’m feeling this way for allie all the way over here, i can’t even imagine how you’re doing. it must be so hard and draining on you! you’re in my prayers, too. may God give you all the strength and peace that you need.
phew! i’m relieved to hear her fever’s down. i’m praying for her!
I will continue to pray for her ears and rash. Poor her! But normally, it’s harder for us moms than for them- cause of all the sadness, worry, and stress- so poor you!!!
Continuing to pray…
I ran into Lorie yesterday at Target and she told me about Allie. We will be praying for you guys and especially for her to be feeling better.
Oh Michelle, I just read your last entries and my heart dropped. Poor girls! I will be praying for both of you!