kiddie christmas party
so last tuesday we had a little party for our kiddos. an afternoon of yummy food, hot chocolate and spiced apple cider, fun presents, and dear friends. it was a bit chaotic with 7 kids and babies, but these are the days for memory-making!
we all managed to fit around our small table to share lunch together before doing the gift exchange.
then it was present time! luke went first and it wasn’t long before the ‘vultures’ began circling… 

then jenna opened her gift from luke. he came over to help.
will opened his gift from jenna.
i think he and his mommy both liked it!
then mikey opened his gift from will and cal. lots and lots of play-doh! his very favorite!
and allie opened her present from baby ty. a butterfly chew toy and a lovely pink peacoat! i- i mean she- loves it!
and finally jammie and jessica helped their babies open their gifts from mikey and allie. heh heh, will’s hands are reaching for his brother’s toy and mikey’s head is obstructing jess and ty. yes, it was organized chaos.
we attempted a group photo to end the festivities. from left: ty, luke, allie, mikey, jenna, will, cal.
all the mommies gathered around me to get the kids to look this way and smile while i snapped away. allie commenced crying while luke tried to wiggle his way off the couch as will told a joke to jenna who was zoning out all while ty peacefully slept through it all.
allie contined howling so luke decided to get away from her as mikey looked shocked for no particular reason. and since jenna was still zoned out, will tried his joke on baby cal.
other random photos from the day…
mommy friends. from left– brooke, me, allie, lorie, jenna, jess.
mikey and jenna took a break from all the action to watch the garbage truck outside.
partied out…
i love this joyous time of year when we all get to celebrate our Savior’s birth. i love Christmas songs, i love wrapping Christmas presents, i love Christmas decorations, i love making Christmas memories for our kids. but most of all, i love remembering once again God’s great love for us in sending His son so that we might have eternal life with Him. truly the best gift of all.
update on allie– she had her 9 month well-baby visit today and thankfully she was well enough to get her immunization shots. so she had three more needle pokes to add to her recent tally. her weight is still down at 17 lbs 3 oz but her appetite is almost back to normal so hopefully she’ll gain back what she lost. her height is now 26 inches so she’s still on the short side. the doctor said she looks great in every way except for her ears which are still red and inflamed. so he gave me a referral to an ear, nose, and throat (ent) doctor to schedule a visit in ten days. we may have to have tubes placed in her ears to drain them out since none of the four antibiotics she was given seemed to take care of it. but overall, my girl is back to her former cheerful self and for that, we are so thankful.

love the photo commentary on the group shots! it looks and sounds like you guys had lots of fun! glad to hear that allie is more herself these days. i hope her ears get well enough by the next doctor visit so that she won’t have to get those tubes. 🙂
love the group pics of all the kids together! so cute!
yeah, that group shot is priceless! and i luv the one with the two sleeping babies–that’s such a great one! so glad that allie’s ears are getting better–best call dr. eddie for a free consult!
so glad allie is getting better. hopefully her ears will be all better soon. you can’t help but give a little chuckle when you see a whole couchful of little kiddos together. too cute.
Love the commentary on the pics! Thanks again for being a great host…we forgot to take pics of all that yummy food & drink. Will keep praying for Allie’s ears to drain/heal on their own before 10 days pass.
what fun for the kids and i love all the couch photos. i’m glad allie is feeling better. i hope she is fully healed soon!