i’m dreaming of a white christmas…
looks like we just might have a white christmas after all!
yesterday morning, the kids and i woke up to a dreary gray morning.
it began sprinkling when we were finishing up breakfast.
it progressed to heavy rainfall during our drive to the doctor’s office. it’s very odd for it to be raining this time of year (it’s been an amazingly warm winter so far). i realized i didn’t have an umbrella in the car, but then further realized i wouldn’t be able to use it anyway what with holding allie in one arm and holding mikey’s hand with the other. so we had to run in to the clinic and run back out to our car afterward since it kept on raining.
as we approached home, the temperature began to drop from 35 to 32 degrees. the rain suddenly switched over to freezing rain which coated everything with slippery ice. the trees looked beautiful with raindrops frozen on their branch tips. but the ice coating on the roads made for some terrible driving conditions. thankfully, we got home just before it got bad, but i later saw on the news cars sliding into ditches and a big rig actually sliding backwards on an on-ramp because its wheels weren’t able to grip on to the road. snow is sure pretty to look at and to play in, but it’s deceptively dangerous to drive in.
anyhoo, the freezing rain turned into big puffs of snow while we ate lunch.
i put allie down for a nap and mikey and i bundled up to go play in the snow.
only now, the snow puffs turned into heavy clumps of wet snow, so mikey ran back to the garage for cover.
a hat easily fixed that problem!
trying to taste the snow.
here’s a picture of the frozen rain.
poor mailman…
after our romp in the snow, we came back in for some yummy hot chocolate, complete with green tree and pink star-shaped marshmallows and a mini candy cane.
whenever mikey is especially happy about something, he always says, “mommy, pray?” so here he is in prayer pose while i thanked God for hot chocolate, pretty snow, and a warm home.
time to dive in!
the view we enjoyed from our dining room window.

lovely! mikey is sure making that hot chocolate look good….now i want some too 🙂
awwww… so cute that he wants to pray and thank God!
better enjoy the snow while you can. you’ll be in So Cal. soon enough! but don’t worry, i’ll always have some hot chocolate for you. nothing fancy mind you… just nestles or swiss miss.
awwwww!!!! “mommy, pray?” that totally melts my heart. he is sooo sweet.
what cute pictures….the last one was very pretty.
Looks like Mikey might actually miss the snow next year, huh? Looks like he had a blast! I’m jealous you guys got snow for Christmas. We miss you guys…Jenna’s been singing her “mikey and michelle” song for a couple of days now…time to start playing again!
i wish we had snow here! =)
Awww, such cute pictures. It was fun having Mikey in the nursery last Sunday! He liked playing with the cars, the train set, and a helicoptor toy. He kept talking about a teddy bear-did he just get one or something?
i love love love these photos! the first one in the snow sold me. mikey could sell me real estate in guatemala and I’d totally buy it.