simple pleasures…
ok, this is a bit overdue, but i got tagged by mrssjlee, and after thinking long and hard, here’s my list of favorite simple pleasures. in no particular order.
- when phil calls unexpectedly during the day just to say “hi”. even better is when he’s calling to say he’s coming home early (doesn’t happen very often)!
- hearing mikey’s unprompted, “thanks, mom!” (a new thing he’s been saying).
- seeing allie rest her head on daddy’s shoulder.
- getting a surprise package in the mail.
- when phil comes home in the morning on post-call days with mickey d’s breakfast for us.
- seeing mikey watch out for his little sister– he notices when there aren’t any toys near allie so he’ll bring some over, dump them in her lap, and say, “here you go, ai-yeh.”
- hearing allie’s contented little murmurs when she’s eating something she especially enjoys.
- the first bite out of a freshly made in-n-out burger. mmm…
- when the kitchen is cleaned after a good dinner with the dishwasher running.
- when mikey only wants mommy when he’s not feeling well. course that also means i’m invariably always the one who gets thrown up on…
- the first snowfall of winter.
- enjoying hot chocolate with lots of mini marshmallows with my son after coming in from playing in the snow.
- watching food network, hgtv, or tv shows on dvd (currently watching “bones”) with phil.
- the four of us headed out on a family adventure.
- when we’re all bopping to the music as we’re driving in the car.
- seeing a well-taken picture.
- capturing my kids’ natural smiles in a picture.
- enjoying a meal with good friends.
- reading the last chapter and happily sighing over a particularly well-written volume.
- singing praise with fellow believers at bethlehem.
- picking mikey up from church nursery because his face lights up when he sees me and he yells, “mommy!” as he runs to me, arms outstretched.
- watching mikey whoop it up as he runs around at the playground.
- seeing phil carry mikey on one arm, allie on the other.
- holding a newborn while he sleeps, then giving him back when he starts to cry. hee hee.
- hearing mikey say, “daddy! come play!”
- having a little block of time to be quiet all by myself in the afternoon when both kids are napping.
- freshly trimmed fingernails and toenails.
- holding hands with my husband.
- having a freezer full of freshly made food cubes for allie.
- when mikey belly laughs, sighs, then says, “funny.”
ok, i could go on and on, but this is a pretty good-sized list already. now i tag mrsshinfucius, bungie, and lschnell.

go here. .
you don’t have to keep up with anyone… especially the joneses… they’re dumb.
Thank you for the wonderful water-breaking rundown. I found it both amusing and relieving! My mom’s water never broke for my siblings and me-the dr. did it. Shows like “ER” and other movies need to stop over-dramatizing things like that!
I know what you meant… I totally agree… in fact, I decided to wear jeans that don’t fit my butt well on purpose as a form of protest… wedgies all the way!!!
RYC: THANKS for the tips!!! I guess using the thicker one as they get older WILL be useful!
ooooh… i like getting surprise packages in the mail too *hint* j/k!
when you move back, we can enjoy one of life’s simple pleasures together. we’ll sip hot chocolate with marshmallows…..
It’s amazing how many of the things on your list involve your kids. Makes you think…what would you do without them? Or, what would life be like without them? What a blessing they are, huh? It’s good to make lists like this to remind us of all of our blessings. Thanks for sharing!