so much to do, so little time…
i told myself i wouldn’t think or worry much about all that needed to be done before The Big Move back to california until after the new year. so from mid-march until december 31st, i lived in a state of general blissfulness with only the teeniest, tiniest seed of concern buried back in the furthest corner of my mind.
on new year’s day, the teeny, tiny seed of concern bloomed into a full-grown oak tree of worry. all in one day!
it is now january 14th (!), and i’ve been busy making lists, selling stuff on craigslist, looking into moving companies, and deciding how to downsize all our stuff so that we can move from our current home into a place roughly half its size (for double the monthly payment– why are we moving again?!).
unfortunately for us here, the housing market has slowed down to a crawl. there are three other places for sale in our small complex and we’ll be the fourth. the most i’ve ever seen before have been two for sale at a time. ours will go up for sale next month.
so, in an effort to make our place more appealing, we’ve been doing fix-it projects, touching up paint, and last week, bought brand new appliances for the kitchen! i’m happy to be able to use the new stuff for a few months at least- especially the new, smooth-top stove. the two big burners decided to stop working on my old stove (making it tricky and frustrating trying to cook dinner!), so having all the burners function properly is wonderful. not to mention the easy cleanup of the smooth cook-top. no more crusty drip pans- hooray!

oooh! look at that spick-and-span oven!! michelle, i love the new do front and back! š yay! you guys will be so much closer now!! š
love the new do…so modern and cute. good that you can use the new stuff for a bit. we are slowly looking at houses closer to paul’s work in Santa Maria…houses are crazy expensive in CA!!!
very cute haircut. and i’ll remind you why you’re moving again…. the weather, the food, and most importantly, your friends!!!
When are you moving back? It’s horrible how expensive the real estate market is here. Peter and I are having commit-issues in buying a place because it is so much more expensive compared to renting!
love both your hairdo’s! allie is soooo cute!
Do you know where you’re going to live yet? South Bay? Valley? The OC? Santa Clarita? West LA?
South Bay, South Bay, South Bay!! (san pedro to be exact) š
oooh la la… the new do momma! when ya guys moving back exactly?
cute cut!!
Agree…Allie looks very cute in that pic. But so do you, Michelle! Love the cut.