the bone-shaking, nose-hair freezing, frozen-lungs cold. that’s what i’m talking about.
it was 5 below zero when we woke up this morning. that’s cold. way too cold to be outside for any length of time. poor mikey is going stir-crazy from being stuck inside all day. and i’m going a bit batty myself with the incessant chatter, chatter, chatter. he’s gotten to be quite a talker. i know this is supposed to be a good thing, but some days… a moment of silence to complete one thought is priceless.
when it’s super cold outside, the warm air inside the house condenses and freezes against the windows. thank goodness we have double paned windows or else all that ice would melt once the sun hits it and drip down into the carpet. it’s quite pretty to look at though!
super close up:
unfortunately, life must still continue even in the cold. i had to bundle up both kids so we could get to the post office and to office max this afternoon. it sounds like such a simple thing, but ends up being an exhausting task! i actually have to mentally prepare and psych myself up all morning to make sure i’ll actually get it done. then make a battle plan as i’m driving (figure out who to get out first, decide if i should put allie in the bjorn, make sure mikey doesn’t run out into the street as i’m getting allie out, grab the boxes to mail, grab the keys, hold mikey’s hand, lock the car doors, walk quickly to get inside, open the double doors, herd us all in, use the automated postal center to avoid that long line, keep one eye on mikey, and one eye on the machine, have to start over because i pushed ‘no’ when i should have pushed ‘yes’ regarding the questions about the box i’m using, wrangle the sticker stamp out of allie’s hand since she’s managed to grab it just as i was going to stick it on the box, tell mikey to be quiet since he’s now whooping at the top of his voice, throw the box into the bin, march us back out, buckle allie back in her seat and make sure mikey doesn’t run into the street, buckle mikey in his seat, take off for office max to repeat more of the same there). i’m beat by the time we return home. seriously, i have to psych myself up to go out with both kids or else we’d just stay home every day. it’s so much easier.
this is all the stuff that doesn’t get relayed to phil when he asks me at night, “so, what did you do today?” and i answer, “oh, not much, just ran a couple errands this afternoon.” and he gets that vaguely unimpressed, “that’s it?” look in his eyes. and that’s about when the steam starts shooting out of my ears. poor guy.
yeah, i’m definitely not going to miss this cold next year!
ps- those of you who are wondering, we’ve moving this coming june.

Jack Frost knockin’ at your windows, eh? Better cold & snow than ice, no? That’s what I see some of CA is getting these days. Hope that’s not where you’ll be!
it has been record chilly out here too…you know in the 30’s (mornings and at night)….sorry, i know to you that must be like a nice crisp day. i haven’t been going out with the kids much because of it just the same, though. 🙂 i was laughing at the description you gave of phil listening to you say “just a few errands”. if only he truly knew the work involved. 🙂
Sure, Bob. I grew up around here, so I might know some things. Just let us know.
wow! taking the kids out sounds like a big ordeal! luckily, we still want them! =)
totally can relate.
yay! i’m super excited to have you back!
“that’s it?” look in his eyes. and that’s about when the steam starts shooting out of my ears. <—– too funny! steve’s had the flu and was on a pretty hairy rotation where he was super tired all night. i can’t imagine taking care of two kids. you’re doing a great job!
thanks for the suggestion on the books. the super baby food book is a bit “loopy” like you said. it’s annoying to flip around to find what i need. i’m more of a visual type of person. i think i’m going to get the books you suggested. =)
and i thought it was an ordeal just with one kiddo, i’m pooped already. we have been getting some chilly weather here too, which makes going for my daily exercise slightly miserable. we even have ice on our driveway that won’t melt until 4pm!!! (nothing like what you have though)
i do feel your pain about the hubby comments, paul does the same thing….yeah so it doesn’t look like the house got clean but it DID.
girl, i totally can feel your pain reading your description. (well written, i might add!) that’s why i marvel at moms of 2+ kids…how do you all manage?
all the more reason to come back to so. cal.!
i’m so lookin’ forward to it!