visiting the psych ward
doing a bit of catching up…
this past sunday afternoon, phil called to let me know that it looked to be a quiet evening in the psych ward and asked if the kids and i would like to visit him at work. i jumped at the chance to let the kids (and me!) see daddy since we otherwise wouldn’t see him til late the following day.
we ventured out in the 7 degree weather after the kids’ afternoon nap. unfortunately, it ended up being busier for phil than he was anticipating with his pager going off every few minutes. he was dealing with one patient who was having seizures and another 76-pound anorexic patient who kept pulling out her feeding tube.
mikey and allie still managed to have a good time and later, phil got a little pocket of uninterrupted time to give us a tour of the hospital. what an awesome daddy, to give up this rare moment of quiet to walk around and spend time with us instead of using it to get some much needed rest.
mikey loved playing on the computer in daddy’s call room.
a small boy’s delight: watching a movie while sipping chocolate milk.
meanwhile, allie was happy to play with the toys i brought along.
dinner was provided by the hospital’s cafeteria. little known fact about me: i looove cafeteria food. so this bacon cheeseburger with fries was right up my alley. quite tasty even though it wasn’t prepared by this one food service worker who makes seriously the best burgers. phil says it’s because he makes them with love. i say it’s because he makes them how he’d like to eat them, toasting the bread, melting the cheese, adding extra bacon and grilled mushrooms. mmmm… is it any wonder that when phil calls to ask if i want anything before he comes home, i say, “bacon cheeseburger!”
our little fry girl.
after dinner, phil took us on a hospital tour.
playing hide and seek in the empty health sciences library.
playing pool in the residents’ lounge.
running through the long skyways. we had mikey do a lot of running to burn up some of that little kid energy that builds up from being cooped inside all the time.
getting in a little art appreciation.
big thanks to daddy for letting us come visit. allie sure loved being with daddy! we all did.
ps- happy valentine’s day! here’s a story worth a little laugh…
phil came home last night and said someone gave him a valentine.
me: oh yeah? from who?
phil: one of my patients.
me: what did it say?
phil: dr. phil, you’re a pill.
me: ha ha ha! … ha ha ha!!!

that cheese burger looks AWESOME, bring me one too, hee hee. i remember my psych days in nursing school….going up to the ol’ mental hospital, the only bad part is that i see some of these looney toons around our town
p.s. i think i have that same outfit Allie is wearing for our new baby.
yeah, that burger does look good. it looks pretty cozy there in phil’s office. i love enjoying the little things in life….things like that can be just as fun as any old fancy outing.
wow…that cheeseburger is making me drool! a major craving these days!
such cute pics of allie!
now i want a burger…what a nice daddy that phil guy is. 🙂
aaaahhh… aren’t dads the bestest?! 🙂
I sound like a broken record…but your children are so adorable and well-behaved!!!
lucky kids! (and mom)