signs of life
it warmed up to the 40s and 50s over the weekend and spring is indeed just around the corner. i can’t tell you how nice it is to feel warm again! yesterday was the first time in many months that i was able to take the kids out for a walk and we didn’t need to wear coats. it was lovely. when phil came home, we went out again to walk around calhoun lake and discovered that everyone else was out enjoying the warm sun, too. people were out walking their dogs, jogging, biking, rollerblading, you name it. it was a bit odd though, to see people running in t-shirts and shorts right next to a frozen lake and with snow still on the ground. only in minnesota!
with the warmer temperatures, all the snow we had has been quickly melting making for huge puddles perfect for jumping and splashing in. a small boy’s dream as mikey discovered on saturday.
the water was FREEZING and mikey got soaked, but he loved every minute of it!
allie preferred to stay dry with daddy.
while we were out walking around the neighborhood, i was happy to see that the trees are budding once again.
and we spotted this cardinal in the bushes across from our house. spring is definitely springing!
though there was still plenty of ice and snow to play with!
it was also finally time to bring out mikey’s tricycle again and we discovered that it’s just his size now. phil tried to teach him how to pedal.
but my little daredevil preferred the thrill of speeding down the driveway unassisted.

That’s crazy cold temperatures! it was in the 80’s here this past w/e! hey-Allie has teeth already?!
megan still does not get how to peddle. her tricycle just sits in the garage for now. i guess it would help if i took her out on it more often, but there is no way i could assist her with gavin in the baby carrier and me trying to hunch over and basically push her the whole way. i’ll save tricycle riding for daddy. 🙂 so glad that you guys were able to get some fresh air. 🙂
cute pictures. glad spring is coming your way. i bet you were ready for it!
Looks like great fun to me! Go Mikey Go!
It’s funny how people who have real winters think 50’s is shorts and t-shirts day…while in Southern CA that means bundle up! Mikey looks like he is having tons and tons of fun jumping into puddles!
i love it when you post photos. i save them in a big folder on my comp.