alright, i know i said we’re not totally out of winter yet but come on now! it snowed last night and is bitterly windy and cold today. any type of snow in april is just depressing. add to that the fact that i just sold mikey’s winter coat thinking we wouldn’t need it anymore and the fact that i’ve now caught allie’s cold and well, we’re stuck inside and a tad miserable.
thankfully though, allie’s just about all better now and the azithromax seems to have taken care of the ear infections. yahoo!!!
oh, and the open house last sunday appeared to have gone well. we had five groups of people come through even though it was rainy all weekend. our realtor said they all had really positive things to say about the place and overall seemed to like it. and we had another showing monday afternoon as well. no offers yet, but it looks promising. i hope. i know it’ll sell in the Lord’s time, but it’s hard not to be anxious about it.
now all we’ve got to do is have our garage sale, sell our place, find a place to rent sight unseen, pack up, hire movers, sell phil’s car, and we’re all good!
edit: awww… phil just walked in the door and handed me a bag from vs containing an ipex bra in the correct size and color! i was just bemoaning my need for a new one since my old ones from pre-baby days just aren’t fitting like they used to. (sigh….!) that guy’s the best!
second edit: we just got another call for a house showing this evening. yay!!! i hope it sells soon. all this cleaning and keeping it in open house condition is killing me!

…i don’t know if that bra bit makes you low maintenance or high….altho, I have to admit, a swell-fitting bra is a blessing.
i was thinking about getting an ipex. do you recommend it?
i’m wearing sandals to protest the weather.
good luck with the sell of your house
wow…. dr. gas…. first depends (or was it serenity)…. and now a swell-fitting bra. now that is called true love. =)
what is an ipex bra?