the big reveal
allie oscillated between boy and girl.
mikey guessed girl.
mommy was sure it was a boy.
daddy also thought it was a boy.
uncle johnny guessed boy.
grandpa was certain it was a boy.
but the Lord has chosen to bless us with another baby GIRL!
phil and i were pretty much shocked into silence when the doctor told us the gender during the ultrasound. later, i asked phil how he felt about the news. we were both still letting it sink in (not that this was bad news by any means, but just such a surprise!) and he muttered something about having another wedding to pay for.
after we got to the car, phil buckled mikey into his seat and told him, “well, it’s just you and me buddy. there’s going to be a lot of estrogen in our house.”
but now, the news is getting sweeter the more i think about it. even though i’m also feeling myself beginning to freak out all over again at the thought of having another daughter. you’d have to know my mother and our tenuous relationship to understand where these feelings are coming from.
perhaps this is God’s way of redeeming the past and showing me that He can fill in the areas that i feel lacking in.
i felt the same way while pregnant with allie and we found out that she was a girl. i felt that way up until she was born. yet the moment i first held her in my arms, the feeling went away. she was my daughter, MY girl, and i wouldn’t have traded her for anything.
so i’m confident that the same will happen when this little one is born. i may feel apprehensive all the way until she’s born, but i’m still so grateful for this chance to welcome a new baby into our family.
btw, the doctor said everything looked beautiful with the baby, measurements were perfect, and even my glucose test came back normal. so far, so good!
now all we’ve got to do is figure out a name. we’re stumped.
i’ll post ultrasound pics as soon as we get our scanner set up. the pictures didn’t come out too well this time though.
Congrats on the big news! I had a feeling you might need to take a look at those girl names again. How fun for Allie to have a little sister to play with! I’m curious, though, how daddy Phil will do with spoiling two little girls now. Hope everything goes well as you approach the home stretch. Children are gifts…boy or girl…you will love her fully, but probably differently too. Maybe she’ll overwhelmingly look like you! Wouldn’t that be fun?! Something to look forward to…
Hooray! Allie will be such a great big sis and Mikey will be an old pro by the time your new one arrives. I totally see you as being a GREAT girl mommy! Your daughters are blessed to have you as their mommy…so is Mikey.
congratulations on another girl!!!
I KNEW IT!!!! That dream came true, YAY. YAHOO!!! By the way, knowing you and your mom, you are nothing like your mom. seriously, you are the best mom and have turned into a wonderful woman despite all that you dealt with.I’m so excited.
Congrats Michelle! I know what you are feeling… see our blog… Another little possible cutie for Luke? Can we set up marriages? ha!
Two girls are sooo much fun!
congratulations!!! mikey will be the big older brother over his two younger sisters! how sweet!
and uncle johnny said, “poor mikey!!”
another girl?!?! so LUCKY! (don’t get me wrong, i love my boys to death…but ya know…)
i didn’t see this til now. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! yay! allie ang mike are going to have a sister!!! how have you been feeling?
eprops to mikey!
gosh i wonder what she’s going to look like…