old blog


we finally got a chance to go to sprinkles and taste these mythic cupcakes for ourselves.

i got the girls dressed for the occasion.  yes, i have been waiting *that* long to try these puppies out.
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“hey, what’s that on your shirt?”
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the kids and i sat down at a table while phil was a good sport and waited in the long line. 
sprinkles 1

the line was out the door, but thankfully it moved fast.  but someone didn’t think it moved quite fast enough.  this same someone was in need of a nap, too.
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at least mikey waited patiently.  my sweet boy…
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good moods were restored as soon as cupcakes were proffered.  we ended up getting a red velvet, a lemon, a milk chocolate, and a vanilla milk chocolate.
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phil’s reaction upon finding out how much they cost:  “a cake, franck, is flour and eggs.  my first car didn’t cost this much.”  my retort was, of course, “[chortle] welcome to the 90s, mister bahnks.” 
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thankfully, holding this cute cuddly baby restored his good mood in no time.
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not even a few bites into the cupcake, the inevitable happens.  a brand new shirt, too.
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the final verdict?  hmmm, perhaps they are a tad bit over-rated.  we found the lemon and chocolate ones to be way too dry.  and what’s with the rock-hard, tasteless dots on top?!  but i did loooove the red velvet cupcake.  it was still yummy even though i didn’t get around to eating it til the next day.  oh well, it turned out to be an fun little family outing nonetheless as we enjoyed an evening stroll around the shops afterward.  i had this little face looking at me for much of the time.
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  • hongfamilia

    omg, the first picture is sooo cute.  love her hair!  i also thought sprinkles was a bit overrated.  i think it’s all just a hype.  but yes, their red velvet is pretty good.

  • gr00vy_mama

    wow, that hair.  i love it!  lol  my youngest daughter’s hair was spiky and stood up like that until she was about 5 months old.  but her hair wasn’t as thick as your daughter’s.   i just scrolled back up to look at the first picture again…tooo CUTE!!!

  • lschnell

    Yay!  You got to Sprinkles!  Sorry to hear it was a bit of a let-down.  Looks like it was a nice day, though.  Love Lauren’s hair, the girls’ Tees, the pouting Allie, and the Mikey smile.  And, of course I love to see pics of you and your hubs.  Phil’s “crabby face” cracks me up.  Great re-cap.  It was like we were there with you! 🙂

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