old blog

baby sweet

time for a lauren update!  she turned seven months old in february.  where is the time going?!  i’m slowly accepting the fact that she’s not a newborn anymore.  so i gave in and she started eating solids at six months old.  hee hee.  she wasn’t too interested in baby food at first, but loved eating as soon as i got around to making her some baby purees.  i do have to agree with her- homemade baby food is soooo much tastier than jarred food.  her favorite has been carrots, but poor thing is totally constipated now since she ate them for so many days in a row.  (didn’t know it but carrots are constipating!).

other highlights for her in the last month: rolling in both directions all over the place (she’d been rolling only to the left for the longest time), sitting on her own, and sprouting her first two teeth all at once!

so here she is showing off her latest tricks…

howdy folks! i’m seven months old and just look at all the stuff i can do now!

i can sit up and smile.

i can sit up and stick out my tongue.

i can sit up and smile and stick out my tongue all together!

whoa! ok, maybe that was too much all at once.

but look, now i’m an airplane!

hmmm, what else?

how do you like me now?

my mommy loves my crazy swirly hair.

watch out world, crawling will be next!

my mommy and daddy are all the time kissing on my cheeks. i can’t imagine why they do that.

and here are my first two teeth.

they make me want to chew on anything and everything.

especially these handy little things. they always seem to be around. do you know what they’re called?

in any case, they’re pretty good to chew on.

ok, now i’m tired. time for a nap! but thanks for checking in and happy weekend!

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