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we heart grandpa

my dad came over last week to spend a couple of days with us.  the kids (especially allie) were so happy to get some grandpa time in.  he even offered to watch the kids two nights in a row so that phil and i could go out to dinner and have some alone time together.  two date nights in one week?!  my dad rocks!

his birthday was this past saturday and my step-mom was planning a small surprise party for him.  so i decided to take advantage of his visit prior to the party in order to get some pictures of him with the kids and give them to him as a gift.  i had wanted to do a photobook for him, but just didn’t have enough time to get it done.  so phil suggested we get him a digital photo frame and load the pictures onto it instead.  it worked out great!

here are a few of the pictures of grandpa and kids.  the first two were while we were just goofing off at home.  the rest of them were taken at the southbay botanic garden.

lauren sharing one of her chew toys with grandpa.

my dad said it was his mission for this visit to get lauren’s affection.  i think he succeeded. 

i initially tried to get a shot of my dad with all the kids… but quickly gave up and decided to enjoy the day instead.  ha ha.

so i decided to just go with one or two of them in each picture.  made my life easier. 





like i said, allie has an especially strong bond with her grandpa.  i’m not even sure when it started, but she’s always claimed possession of him.  during the times he was holding lauren, she would ask if he could put the baby away so that he could hold her.  strange that she never seems bothered when phil or i am holding lauren- she never gets jealous over that.  but she totally doesn’t like to share grandpa!


tried to get mikey in some pictures too, but he was more interested in running around and exploring.

and here are a few nature-y shots.  the botanic gardens are just beautiful this time of year.


cherry blossoms were blooming everywhere!

pictures from my dad’s birthday party will be coming soon.  it’s birthday season once again in the tsai house!

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  • Kavedissian

    funny, that makes me think of how Ian  is with his Grammy…when she was a baby, he would go and ask if Papa could hold sissy so he could have his grammy.  But that works out fine for us, Papa is smitten with his Megan.Hard to believe Miss Allie is a big girl now. I just love all those shots with your dad…he is such a great Grandpa

  • HSookiC

    happy belated birthday to your dad! i love these photos. so heartwarming as they remind me of how mia bonded so well with her harabuhji with our latest LA visit. gorgeous pics. the one of allie kissing grandpa is precious.

  • goingnutzz

    these pictures are so precious… your dad is just oozing love for your kids.  love the picture of the cherry blossoms, soooo pretty.  so jealous of the beautiful weather you guys have over there… we just had snow on the first day of spring… ahhhhh!!!

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