old blog

grandpa’s party

ok, before i get to allie’s birthday party pics, i first wanted to post some pics from my dad’s 70th birthday party.  hard to believe he’s now 70!    i think age has definitely mellowed him out and given him some wisdom.  as he says, he’s trying to use his remaining years (praying he has many left!) focusing on the things that really matter.  we love that grandpa makes keeping his promises a priority and makes sure to spend time with his grandkids often (loving on my kids- definitely the quickest way to my heart!).

anyway, we had a great time celebrating together.  here are some pics of the fam.

allie took her usual seat on grandpa’s lap as soon as we got there and stayed with him for almost the entire time.

lauren on the other hand, was passed around as everyone wanted a turn to hold her.  my baby girl was happy to oblige.

with grandma…

with our second cousin and his wife…

with some assorted aunties…

with my uncle…

in contrast, jeremiah was happiest staying put on his daddy’s lap and definitely wasn’t a fan of being passed around.  but that’s just how johnny likes it- he DID groom jeremiah to be a complete and total daddy’s boy.  note the matching polo shirts.  my brother really does coordinate his and jeremiah’s clothes to match when they go out!

jeremiah also wasn’t too fond of sharing his daddy’s lap, either…

but that’s ok, he was sitting next to me and let me take lots of pictures of him.  and i’m proud to say that he once in a while does let ME hold him, too!  i think it’s cuz i don’t try to grab him away.  my brother says it’s because he recognizes the kim family small eyes.  great. 

it was nice to have our extended family gathered all together.

my dad, my uncle, johnny, and jeremiah.

me with my dad and the kids.

grandma mira with the aunties and lauren.  who was passed down the line.

phil, johnny, and jeremiah.

allie became fast friends with her second (third?, second-once-removed?) cousin.  isn’t she a cutie?

time for the cake…  the kids thought grandpa needed help blowing out his candles.  he might have if there were seventy of them on there!  the next two pics were taken in the dark with only the candles lit.  but my nifty speedlight was able to handle it!


then present time…  here’s allie helping grandpa open the present from us.

we got a digital photo frame for him and i loaded the pics of him with the grandkids in the botanic garden on it.  the frame was super simple- just plug it in and push the red button to turn on/off.  i hope he actually did plug it in when he got home!

mira did a great job planning the party and getting everyone together from various spots in california.  and managed to keep the whole thing a surprise for my dad!  so sweet.

we hope you had a great time, grandpa!  we LOVE you! 

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  • MiniMama

    Happy 70th birthday to your father!  He looks great for his age!  Great pictures, too!  I especially love the one of Lauren & your mom looking at each other (2nd pic from the top).

  • Kavedissian

    i still cannot believe your dad is 70…your dad has always been mellow, by my recollection. Love the picture of Lauren and Mira too…she is a wonderful grandma.  It melts my heart thinking about Allie and being grandpa’s girl…such like my Megan and her Papa.Please give your dad a hug for me

  • lschnell

    I agree…your dad does not look 70.  I’m sure you’ll age just as gracefully.  How fun for you to be in CA now and closer to all these relatives.  I’m sure it would’ve been hard to miss this party if you were still in MN.  God is so good!

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