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allie’s cupcake party

so my dear girl turned three years old last week.  phil and i decided to throw her a cupcake party to celebrate.  we intentionally kept the guest list small because we knew allie would feel the most comfortable and would enjoy herself the most that way.  it ended up being a super small party due to illness, only two of the four little girls were able to come.  still, no reason not to go all out, right?

the invitation:
DSC_0409     DSC_0411

the decorated patio:


the kids’ table:

the apron (one for each girl to wear during one of the activities and then to take home):

the treat bags:

i woke up super early that morning to decorate and here’s allie’s first look at it after it was all done and ready:

and here she is in her party dress!  with a matching dress for her baby.

the little guests eating their lunch of mini sandwiches, chips, fruit, and pink punch.

since there were so few little guests, the mommy guests were able to sit down and enjoy lunch together, too!  thanks to phil for watching the kids so that i could sit down and eat, too. 

my sweet lauren hung out with us for a little while then happily went down for a nap for the rest of the party.

we had ONE game planned for the party.  pin the cherry on the cupcake.  turns out the kids enjoyed the game so much that they played two rounds of it before we had to move on to cake.

singing “happy birthday” to allie-girl.  the ADORABLE cupcake-shaped cake was baked by my dear friend jenny.  it was soooo cute!  and baked perfectly too.  everyone loved it!

then it was time to decorate cupcakes!  aprons on and ready…

the kids picked either a strawberry or chocolate cupcake (baked by yours truly at midnight the night previously), choose either chocolate or strawberry cream cheese frosting to put on it, then topped it with sprinkles, confetti, and candy hearts. 

i think she had a good time, yeah?



group shot of mommies and daughters.  (and mikey).  yes, i felt a *little* bad for mikey, but not too much because we were headed to his buddy’s birthday party that evening at pump-it-up.  he had a BLAST there and confided to phil that he liked josh’s party better than our party.  i think phil secretly agreed since he commented that all we did was eat at allie’s party.  but hey!  that’s what we girls do best!  hee hee.

mikey and allie both passed out for naps shortly after the party ended.  but lauren woke up just in time to have an after-party with mommy.  my little party animal…

BIG thanks to phil for all his help getting ready for the party and for taking pictures during the party too.  i definitely could not have pulled it all together without him!

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  • HSookiC

    happy 3rd birthday allie! SWEET party! love the matching dresses! you did a fantastic job with the decorations. love the brown and pink theme. lauren is adorable in that last pic.

  • hongfamilia

    everything looks so adorable and cute!!!  i love all the little details and how all the colors are matching.  allie is so lucky to have such a creative mommy like you.  i think 2 guests + 1 brother is a perfect number.  cozy and intimate!

  • Kavedissian

    I’m just so impressed and slightly jealous…i wanna party like that, okay and you are so right about girls, we do like to eat. i’m happy with smallish parties as well. I need to get a sewing machine so i can sew cute stuff for Megan…you make me want a cupcake now. I bet they were better than at “Sprinkles” and a fraction of the price too. outstanding job as usual!!! Bravo.  Totally beats my Elmo cake.

  • mtsai

    @Kavedissian – no, you notice i only did cupcakes.  you did a whole cake!  loved the elmo face you did.  time to get a sewing machine and make use of our old home ec classes!  btw, phil thought the cupcakes DID taste better than the sprinkles ones we got.  tee hee.

  • mtsai

    @pifamily – thank you!  you know, i did want a picture of allie and lauren together in their outfits, but just didn’t get a chance that day.  but perhaps i’ll get to it the next time they wear them.

  • mtsai

    @hongfamilia – aw thank you, you’re so sweet!  it felt kinda weird at first doing so much for such a little party.  but then i realized that i couldn’t have done so much if it had included more people anyway!  in the end, it worked out great since allie seemed comfortable with her guests.

  • mtsai

    @ShutterbugTim – aw thanks tim!  but i’m kinda bummed over the pictures since it wasn’t really possible to focus on picture taking while hosting the party, so i missed many details and most of the above can only be called snapshots.  plus allie’s hair was driving me crazy and i didn’t have time to fix it!  but in the end, i’d rather have any picture to remember the party than none at all!

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