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my husband’s guitar

ok, so we just got back this evening from a week-long vacation in palm springs.  it was wonderful!  but it went all too quickly.  and my poor phil had to jump right back in to work tonight on call.  sigh.  on the bright side, i do have lots of pictures to share. 

but first, i wanted to get in this entry about a special gift i’m working on for phil.  his birthday was a couple of weeks ago, but i wasn’t able to finish it in time.  mostly because phil needed the computer last month to work on a poster for his work conference (the reason why we were in palm springs- more on that later).

so anyway, after thinking long and hard, i decided to make him a gift with sentimental value.  he’s big on sentimental value.  heh heh, such a big softie!

so i’m planning on giving him four large framed pictures of… his guitar!  ok, random?

the background story:  phil has had this guitar for as long as i’ve known him (over eleven years now!).  a large part of what attracted me to him initially was his musical ability.  way back when, he led music for our college group, and eventually was the worship leader for our church.  with his trusty guitar.  he used that guitar to compose the music and lyrics for the song he proposed to me with.  he’s used it through the years to lead different groups of people in worship (i still love that about him!).  that guitar came with us all the way to minnesota and back through five different residences (including taking up valuable space in our very first apartment which was only 495 square feet!).  it has the dings and dents to prove it. 

and these days, with phil’s super busy work schedule, it has a layer of dust on it.  sometimes phil mentions how it makes him a little sad that he doesn’t have the time to really get to play anymore.  but every once in a while, he’ll pick it up and have a little jam session.  and if the kids are around, they immediately run over to dance around him and sing along.

so for this birthday, i could have just gone out and bought him a brand new guitar.  but, the old one has become so meaningful to us both, that i can’t imagine replacing it and not having it around anymore.  hence, pictures of his guitar!  my thought is to hang the frames in our downstairs study/guest room and later on, hang them in phil’s someday music room.

ok, so now i need help choosing which photos to use!  which four do you like?














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  • babymomof2

    a man who plays a instrument is always sentimental and cool…….The guitar looks awesome  and the frame idea is sooo cool………No wonder he caught his eye…who doesn’t like a man playing guitar and leading a praise group….??  you know all the little girls always eyes the band…lol……..Wow, that is so romantic and yes, truly sentimental…..Girl, he is going to love it because you put your thought and time into it……those are the best gifts…………lol..so weird, how you mentioned a music room…my hubby use to play the drums at his church praise group and he is a avid music lover, overall……..can you believe my man has 4k music downloaded on his mp3….and majority praise groups…lol………..girl, his dream is to have a room filled with all the latest tech and just be able to listen and play….i’m sure yours feel the same………….HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TO YOUR HUBBY……….i think all of our hubbys schedule is tight lately……but be thankful, he isn’t that far away…..

  • Kavedissian

    i like this gift idea, totally sweet, i like 1, 3, 13, and 7….but then again they are all so good, maybe make a collage mug for him too with all the pictures. Snapfish has them. even ones that change colors when you add hot beverages.  I made a collage mug for Paul last father’s day, of all the kids of course i added a shot of me here and there, with a larger shot of us in front of his new job site. so that’s his work mug 🙂

  • jiNNie_g

    That’s so sweet.  The praise leader was always popular with the girls… They’re all nice but I like 1, 3, 8, and 13.  Maybe you can try to take a shot of the scratches and dents to show its history.BTW, 495 sq ft?  You guys came a long way, huh?  

  • hongfamilia

    you guys remind me of us.  my hubby was also a worship leader/ has the same guitar from looong time ago, etc.  also our first apt was around 500 sq ft too!  in a weird way, i kinda miss that apartment.  anyway, great idea about the gift!  just my personal opinion, but i would go with the close up pictures since you will have four of them and they will be blown up. 

  • mtsai

    @babymomof2 – ooh, a drum player!  my hubby has always wanted to take up drum playing.  sounds like our guys have a lot in common as that music room you described would totally be phil’s dream too!

  • mtsai

    @jiNNie_g – what a great idea!  i think i will go back and take some shots of the dents and dings.  the dust is showing up pretty good already…  btw, YEAH, 495 square feet.  in MINNESOTA!!

  • mtsai

    @hongfamilia – thanks for your input!  i was thinking the same thing about the close up shots.  now that i think about it, maybe one picture of the guitar cut into four different frames… ?

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