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happy birthday to mikey!

*interrupting the vacation recap for a special announcement.*

after waiting, and waiting, and WAITING (mikey would have wanted me to add that last ‘waiting’), it’s finally mikey’s turn!!  so, happy happy birthday, my dear little guy.  so hard to believe, but my mikey is now five years old!!!

let the festivities begin! 

we kicked off the celebrating a little early this year since phil is on call tomorrow and will miss mikey’s actual birthday.  so we surprised him from his afternoon nap/rest time with an early birthday present.  i thought i’d go crazy with how many times per day mikey’s asked me if it was his birthday yet and if he got a spaceship with shooters (he’s all about guns, which we call shooters, and star wars these days) on it.  for the last two months. 

all that waiting finally paid off!


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