my dear mikey
my dear mikey,
happy fifth birthday to you, sweet son! how proud i am of the big boy you are now. it seems like just yesterday that you were my tiny little baby, and now look at you! being my oldest child, all of your firsts are firsts for me as well. i want to take pictures of each of your milestones so that i won’t forget them because it feels like the time is passing all too quickly.
this past year has been especially exciting and fun as you started preschool, your very first year of a long academic career! at first, i was sad to see you go because it meant our times of being together all day everyday were coming to an end. but i was also excited for you because i knew you would enjoy preschool, would make many new friends, and learn lots of new things. it has been such a joy seeing you learn and grow.
this year we also began memorizing bible verses with you and i’ve been amazed to see how quickly you learn the verses and can remember them so well, even with the chapter and verse reference! way better than your daddy or i can remember them. i think you know about 20 verses now. i hope you will continue to learn more verses and hide them in your heart because it will greatly bless your life.
you’re also an awesome big brother to both allie and lauren. you have a very gentle, kind heart and it shows in how you treat your sisters. i love seeing that in you. you always make sure that allie has a toy to play with when you get one for yourself. you love to make lauren laugh. you’re also a great friend and are so good about sharing toys and taking turns. it’s so nice to see how many friends you’ve made both at preschool and church. even making friends with new kids at the park.
you loooooove to talk. all the time. a lot. you are very open and love to share everything on your mind. recently i asked you how come you talk so much and why you need to tell mommy every thing you’re thinking. and you responded, “because i have so many words in my mouth and i HAVE to get them out!” sometimes i get overwhelmed at how much you need to share with me and yet i try to listen to everything you say (even if i’m not looking at you while i’m trying to take care of the other kids or doing other work) because i know that one day, maybe you won’t want to share so openly with me and so i need to listen to you now while you’re willing to talk to me. i hope that you’ll always know that i’m here for you and will always have a listening ear whenever there’s something you want to talk to me about. i feel honored to be the person you turn to the most to share all your thoughts with. that is a very special privilege for me!
you get excited about something and then start talking VERY LOUDLY. sometimes my ears ring because you’re so loud! but you are very good about using a quieter voice when we remind you.
you have a very active imagination and love to play at home with allie. i often hear you directing your playtime or game and acting out different things with your toys. you love to pretend that you’re a dinosaur, a monkey, a cat, a rabbit, your favorite movie/tv characters (wall-e, kung fu panda, madagascar, finding nemo, cars, curious george, backyardigans, wonder pets, sesame street). you love to get the toys that go along with whatever you’re watching so that you can play along with the show.
you have lots and lots of energy. always running, bouncing, jumping, dancing around. sometimes i have to tell you to calm your body down. but i know it’s hard for you because you have so much energy inside that you just have to get out! you love to go swimming with all of us as a family, you love riding your bike and tricycle, and you run every chance you get. you have a quick smile and easy laugh and love having a good time.
you love to look at books and have us read to you. i wish i had more time to just sit and read with you. i really enjoy the time we have to read together before you take a nap in the afternoons and before bedtime. you don’t really need a nap anymore, but sometimes you are tired and will still go to sleep. other times, you are good about resting and waiting in your room until mommy comes to get you and are very good about keeping yourself entertained by looking at your books, singing songs, or looking out the window.
you’re learning a lot of stories from the bible and it’s so neat to hear your questions and thoughts about Jesus and God as you get to know Him more.
at this point, you know all your capital letters, some of your lower case letters, you know all their sounds, and can count to 20. you count backwards like this: 10, 9, 8, 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
you’re very in to star wars and shooters (guns). you told me today that you love star wars, (space)ships, airplanes, helicopters, and shooters. but you also still love cars and your beloved bear still goes everywhere with you. you still suck on the third and fourth fingers of your left hand, something you’ve done ever since you were a baby.
anyway, there’s a lot more, but here’s something of a snapshot of you right now, at five years old. part of me wants to keep you my little boy forever, but the other part is looking forward to watching you grow and mature in the years to come. most of all i hope you will continue to learn and grow in the Lord and give your life to Him.
i love you soooooo much, mikey!
love always,