old blog

my happy face

mikey and i were looking at some older entries this afternoon and came across pictures from his fourth birthday.  at the end of that entry, i had put a sad face because i was thinking about how quickly the time has passed since he was my little baby.  being my first, he was my only baby and little did i know then just how precious the time was when it was just him and i.  and i was getting a little sad thinking about how quickly these next years will pass and how he’ll grow up and one day leave me.  hence the sad face.

mikey spotted the sad face and asked why i had put it there.  i explained that i was sad that my mikey was growing up so fast and will one day have to leave me.

he was a bit bothered by the sad face and kept asking why i had put it there.

tonight after his bath, it must have still been on his mind.  i was helping him get dressed and he thoughtfully looked at me and said, “mommy, you can put a happy face on your face and on your computer because i’m going to stay with you forever.  so can you put a happy face on your computer?”

then he insisted that i put this happy face on here tonight.  he even turned on the computer for me to do it.  so here it is:


how i love that little boy of mine.

as overwhelming as some days in my current season of life can get, i wouldn’t trade these days for anything, anything in the whole world.

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