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vacation fun, part 5.2

alrighty, so the next day we spent swimming at the hotel pool and lazy river.
lazy river

in the evening, we took a stroll around the mall that was located across the street from our complex.  it was nice and low-key and a good opportunity for some pictures!

one thing we noticed while in palm springs were all the flowing water fountains and streams everywhere we looked. guess living in the desert makes you long for water and lots of it!

we let mikey stay up all day everyday (he usually has a daily nap/rest time while the girls are napping) and so he got pretty tired at the end of the day. he decided this looked like a good spot to rest for a bit.

daddy and the kids.

this is why i never ask the kids to say ‘cheese’. he does it anyway. 


lauren and daddy. she grew quite fond of being held all day everyday by daddy. i think she misses him now that he’s back at work. 

the next day, we visited the children’s museum.  the kids loved all there was to do in there.  phil and i loved that it was indoors and the a/c was blasting!

we had no idea what you were supposed to do with this bungee cord thing (who wants to stop and read the directions anyway?), but that didn’t stop the kids from having fun with it!


this vw bug was parked in the middle of the museum and the kids were allowed to go in and paint on it. where was stuff like this when i was a kid?!


my little allie really loved painting that car.

really, really loved it.

no really, she LOVED it. hee hee. we couldn’t get her to come out for the longest time.

somehow she even got a dot of paint in her hair. see it?

both kids enjoyed this.

the car with layer upon layer of paint on it.

then it was time to try out the police motorcycle! i think the helmet was a bit big.

though it fit allie a little better. ha ha.


now time for some shopping!


happily filling up her cart.

reading the label first…

mikey came in too and thoughtfully chose his items.

hey! i didn’t know she worked here too!

mini-bagger extraordinaire.

in the pizzeria. ringing up the sale…

bringing out the order!

meanwhile, mikey got back on the bike.

where was lauren? here she is!

mommy and lauren.

we braved the heat to have lunch out in the museum’s patio area but came back in right afterward, grateful for a/c.  though for some reason, my crazy boy wanted to go back outside!

the kids had a great time at the museum and there were popsicles for all once we got home.

have a great memorial day weekend, friends!

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  • nbrath

    thanks for all the pictures.  I love seeing the kids and how they have grown (too fast!)  It’s good to see that Mikey still has his bear 🙂

  • HSookiC

    looks like such a fun family vacay! the pics really do say it all! allie is darling in her “scrubs” playing artíst for the day. i know! seeing all the things that are available for kids today makes me want to be a kid all over again!

  • hongfamilia

    where’s the spa for mommy and golf for daddy?    i know, it’s probably impossible to do anything for yourselves when you have three kids!  love the pictures from the museum.  we’ll have to check that place out next time we’re in palm springs!

  • mtsai

    @hongfamilia – we’re thinking next time maybe we’ll ask one of the grandparents to come with us so that we can slip out to do our own fun things on vacation.  but phil’s not much of a golfer…  but ahh, the spa would’ve been nice! 

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