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vacation fun, part 5.3

ok, so here’s the last vacation entry, i promise!  i can’t believe we’re nearing the end of may and this all happened a month ago already.  being back to our normal life has been mostly good for me and the kids, as it is nice to have a regular schedule and for the kids to be back to their routines.  especially for lauren, who got her morning naps back.  though it has been tough for phil who had to come back to work and start right in on a month-long rotation in the sicu (surgery intensive care unit)- which he really hates because of the extra stress, longer work hours (starting at 6am and call shifts are usually 30 hours long), more call (8 this month), and sicker patients.  he’s pretty beat by the time he gets home and we’ve all been counting down to get to the end of this month.

but anyway, it has been nice to reflect back on our vacation and all the wonderful time we got to spend together as a family.

in between all the outings, we did lots and lots of pool time.

which he loved.

she did too.

heck, they all did.

but these two loved it the most and stayed in the longest.

horsing around.

it’s all fun & games until… just kidding, no one got hurt.

the sun was going down and yet they didn’t want to come out!

this mama duck and her ducklings walking around the hotel grounds. i can relate.

ok, so here is the real reason why we chose to go to palm springs forvacation. phil had a conference at the hotel over the weekend he had toattend. so we decided that we’d all go and extend his vacation by a couple of days by doing so.  and here he is with his poster!

walking around the hotel…

my baby, all ready to hit the pool.


family shot on our last day.

heh heh…  my silly kiddos.

thanks for the memories, palm springs! 🙂

ps:  one cool thing to report- allie is now completely potty trained!  she had been doing her poops in the potty for three months, but i just didn’t have the time to devote to getting her to consistently pee in it every time.  she would do it whenever i remembered to remind her, though.  so while on vacation, we just had her run around diaper-less whenever we were in the house.  and after one and a half accidents, she just decided to keep her pants dry all the time and hasn’t looked back.  woo hoo!  she’s now even starting to keep the diaper we put on her at naptime and nighttime dry too.  man, girl potty training has been SO much easier than boy potty training!

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