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before and after

soon after we got back from palm springs, i decided it was time for allie’s very first haircut.  way overdue, actually, but phil finally caved and let me take her in to the kids’ salon place.  yeah, it cost a bit more, but i wanted it to be a special experience for her since it was her first one. 

so after dropping mikey off at school, phil stayed home with lauren, and i took allie for our little mommy-daughter outing.  i debated whether or not to take the camera, but didn’t since i wasn’t sure if the place would let me take pictures.  turns out i should have since the haircut lady asked if i had a camera and said i was welcome to take as many pictures as i wanted.  darn!  i did take a few with my cell phone, but don’t currently have a way to get them on here.

anyway, allie got three inches taken off the back, had her bangs trimmed, and got very light layers around her face.  the haircut lady saved the very first cut from the back and put it in a cute little envelope for me.  i think i’ll keep it in her baby book.  er wait, do i know where i put it?!

all in all, allie had a great time!  she got to sit in a little rocket chair, asked for ‘curious george’ when asked what she’d like to watch during the haircut, and got a little lollipop afterward.  and even got to take an extra one for her big brother, too.  hmm, tempting to go back there again since she loved it so much!

here she is before we left the house (look, her hair was down to her bottom!  so not cool at potty time…):
allie 1     allie 2

and after!
allie 3     allie 4

i’m so glad we got it done since it does look so much neater and not all straggly looking.  but wah…  her baby hairs are gone! 

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