old blog

look who’s five!

so my mikey turned five earlier this month.  it turned into a bit of a marathon birthday as we celebrated over several days.  so like i wrote before, we let mikey open one of his presents on thursday evening since phil would be on call on friday (mikey’s actual birthday).  we then went out to dinner and let mikey choose the restaurant.  his choice?  bob’s big boy for spaghetti.  which he changed to mac n cheese once we got there.  he also got an ice cream sundae and three waiters came out to sing “happy birthday” to him.  the ice cream he loved.  the singing waiters he seemed unsure of.  though i think he did like the extra attention once he got over the surprise.

on friday, i made special treats for mikey’s class at preschool.  i wanted to do something different from cupcakes and so decided on…  beach cups!
mikey bday 2

i hid a few gummy sharks and fish in the “water” down below…
mikey bday 3

all finished and ready to go!  and praying they wouldn’t all tip over on the way to school!
mikey bday 4

i saved a beach cup for allie-girl to have once we returned home.  with a pink umbrella, of course.
mikey bday 5

mikey was all smiles when i picked him up and said everyone liked the treats.  especially the gummy bears.
mikey bday 6

and he asked if we could make more beach cups after lunch.  i had extras of everything and so that’s what we did!
mikey bday 7

afterward, there was a special package from grandma and grandpa waiting for him in the living room.  (btw, he kept his birthday hat on all that afternoon).
mikey bday 8

so excited about the star wars transformer he found inside.
mikey bday 9

excited about the star wars underwear that was also inside?  hmm, not so much.
mikey bday 10

the next evening daddy was able to rejoin the festivities, so we decorated cupcakes and sang “happy birthday” to mikey.  three times.  complete with candle relighting each time.  and threw in a couple “hb” songs for allie too, since she was starting to feel a little left out (apparently, her cupcake extravaganza lasted only so long in her memory…).
mikey bday 11

i’ll be back with pics from mikey’s party (held a couple days later) next!

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  • hongfamilia

    happy birthday to M!  you are so creative!  i bet all the kids were oohing and aahing at them.  audrey saw your pictures and said, ‘can we make one of those?’  haha.  i’d better send her over to your house bc this mommy is so not creative!

  • jin_gill

    you HAVE to post a recipe for the beach cups!!  i’m guessing pudding with blue food coloring?  graham cracker crumbs for the sand?  very cute!

  • babymomof2

    happy birthday mikey…your getting to be a big boy…..sniff, sniff…girl, once he goes to kindergarten you know thats when they really lose their babyiness….just be prepared to see changes and how independent he will be…..i can’t believe Sammie is already going to be 3rd grader…it felt like just yesterday she was mikeys age………sigh~…awesome pics as always……i’m always ohhh and ahh when i see your kids………all of them are soo cute….

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