old blog

too fast

since mikey and allie just had birthdays and lauren’s is coming up next month, i figured now would be a good time to take the kids’ portraits.  they are growing up simply too fast.

mikey, age five.


i love these eyes.


allie, age three.




i’m not sure what she was laughing about here, but something sure tickled her funny bone!

lauren, age ten and a half months.

kicking myself for not taking her pictures BEFORE she learned how to crawl.  gone are the days when i could just plop her down and she’d stay put.  the girl was on the move and would not be stopped!



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  • babymomof2

    i’m pretty bad but i still have not taken any of Gracie’s professional pics…ITS SO LIMITED HERE IN GERMANY AND EXPENSIVE…..unlike the states…sadly, our house clustered with Sammie’s various age pics but one of two of Gracie….arghhh, i need to make her scrapbook……..THATS WHY LIVING IN EUROPE ISN’T ALWAYS THE GREATEST……..Girl, what i can say………I DON’T WHICH IS THE BEST………ALL OF THE ARE JUST SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL AND SO PHOTOGENIC……….and Ms. Allie has some competition with her little sis…………Girl, both your girls have some personality with the camera….THEY LOVE IT………and as for your son……….TRULY HANDSOME AND LOOKS SO CHA KAE…..good and bad, good for you guys but bad when it comes to girls…………..He will have tons of girls swooning over his handsome and such gentleman like personality…..I SO SEE IT…..HE ALREADY TOOK MY HEART…………..lol………..you have such a beautiful family……..sniff, sniff………what a perfect family you have…..PRAISE GOD!

  • mtsai

    @babymomof2 – thank you for your kind words!  you are so encouraging and i hope we get to meet someday!  and no, you’re not bad, i have no pictures of any of the kids up in our house at all.  now THAT’S bad.  hee hee.  i love taking photographs of the kids, but never quite get around to getting them printed and framed.  and even with all the professional photo studios around here, i never seem to quite get good shots of the kids.  so i did these myself! and so extra thanks for your comments!btw, my mister mikey is *usually* a very cha kae kind of boy, except today he got in trouble in sunday school for not listening and playing around!  i was so sad.  gotta get that boy back in line!

  • lschnell

    Awesome pics of the kiddos, Michelle!  They are all so photogenic like you and Phil!  And, you should definitely go into the photography business someday.  You’ve got that artistic touch!  Hey – where do you get your photos printed where they don’t have that blue/digital hue to them?  I’ve tried a few places, but have stopped printing (and am now really behind!) and need to get back on the wagon.  Love ya!

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