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rub-a-dub-dub, two kids in a tub

mikey and allie were cracking me up as they were taking a bath the other night.  they requested i take their picture, so i happily obliged. 

first, they wanted goggles on.

then they wanted to pose.

and then they wanted to hug.

and mikey wanted a shooting pose.

and stop.  with grapes.

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  • Kavedissian

    I love your kids…You are the bestest mommy.  It shows in your children.  They’ll kill you later on for actually taking those photos, despite their request for them 

  • mtsai

    @joesee22 – they really were doing this themselves, i promise!  i honestly just wanted to get them bathed and into bed as quickly as possible, but they kept being silly and wanted pictures, so i took a few to keep em happy.  no camera shy people in our house (except yours truly!).  and heh heh, allie had grapes because they didn’t finish them earlier in the evening and wanted to finish eating them.  again, wanting to get em in bed and not have to wait for them to finish them meant that i let them eat them wile taking a bath.  multi-tasking at its finest! 

  • lschnell

    No wonder they were cracking you up!  They’re cracking me up!  What a riot.  You have the cutest kids, no doubt!  Candids are the greatest.  You definitely captured the moment with these!  Wish I could’ve been there laughing with you.

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