old blog

fourth of july

so we decided to get matching old navy flag t-shirts to take some patriotic family pics.  this was decided yesterday.  yep, leave it to us to opt out of planning ahead by any means.    but after a little scrounging around, we managed to find a shirt for everyone in the fam.  phil even got two.  heh.

here we all are.  ‘cept i didn’t notice til all was said and done that my monkey son wasn’t standing up straight in any of the shots.   argh.

daddy and son.

daddy and girls.

our patriotic little miss.

running in fields of green.

a couple of outtakes–


afterward, we headed over to torrance beach to try and catch the fireworks show.  the kids were sure glad to be out of the minivan (we drove around in circles for over half an hour trying to find a parking spot!), and super happy to be chowing down on popcorn laced with m&ms.

i had fun trying to capture some of the fireworks.


oh, say can you see…

the bombs bursting in air…





BIG thanks to phil who willingly drove us to the beach, bravelyfaced a gridlock of cars, throngs of people, and zero parking spots,all to make mikey’s wish of seeing fireworks and my wish to try tocapture them watching fireworks come true. what a good daddy. 🙂


this shot sadly was way too blurry, but the high contrast makes it kinda arty farty, no?

hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating yesterday.  so thankful to live in the land we do, and so grateful to those who put their lives on the line to protect and defend the freedoms we enjoy everyday.

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  • pifamily

    what daddies would do for the kids,huh? 🙂 you guys are such a beautiful family! your kids are absolutely darling! .. and might i add, wonderful shots you captured of the fireworks! 

  • babymomof2

    Whoever, took these pics……………HAS A GOOD EYE…….love it, LOVE IT!……and how freaking creative of you guys to wearing matching Old Navy shirts………lol…….made me think, wow, who doesn’t have one of those tee-s…….awww, looks like y’all had a great time…i always love your family pics and everyone is just plain beautiful……………..arghhh!!……..Happy belated 4th of July…..

  • mtsai

    @babymomof2 – thank you so much for your kind words!  they made me .  btw, to answer your question from my last post about terranea– that hotel is located in rancho palos verdes, right on the coast.  worth checking out if you guys will be down this way when you come out for your ca trip!

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