old blog

birthday recap

whew!  we’ve had a string of illnesses in our house the past couple weeks and every member of the family has had his/her turn with one bug or another.  some were even lucky enough to have two turns.  makes for one tired mama. 

but before her birthday month is gone, i still wanted to post pics from lauren’s little celebration.  i’m still in denial that she’s a year old already.  seriously, where did the time go?!

so anyway, we were able to have a nice little birthday lunch for lauren with our family and friends.  it was super low-key and relaxed- just the way we like it!  here’s lauren showing off her latest trick…

after lunch, we headed over to the korean friendship bell park in san pedro.  their grandma really, really wanted a few shots of both girls (since we were still in minnesota when allie turned one and so were not able to do the han-bok thing with her back then) in traditional korean dresses.  so she got dresses for allie and lauren and we headed over to the park for a little picture session.  unfortunately, we had to go when the sun was still high (in order for the grandparents to be able to go before their long drive back home) and it was CRAZY windy that day.  to complicate matters even more, we didn’t know that the city had closed off the park for the weekend for some fort macarthur celebration.  imagine a bunch of older white guys in old army uniforms, running around with pop guns and you’ll have a pretty good visual of what we encountered.  but after mira and joanna did some persuading, they did let us in to take our pictures.


the birthday girl.

sisters and best friends.

the wind-blown look.

grandpa and the girls.

she’s about to blow away!


back at home, we let lauren go to town on her birthday cupcake. the girl wasted no time and got right down to business.

daintily nibbling on chocolate cupcake.

hmm, i wonder if i can eat this in one bite?

this baby definitely wasn’t shy about making a mess! and thoroughly enjoyed the process. 

let’s do it again, mom!

happy birthday, my sweet baby!  what a joy you have been to our family and we are soooo thankful for you!

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  • hongfamilia

    yay that everyone is better now!  our family’s been suffering with illnesses for the past few months as well.  we really have to be thankful for our health bc it really sucks when someone in your family is sick!  anyway, happy bday to lauren!  i really enjoyed all your pictures, especially the ones in front of the bell!  allie looks like a hanbok model in that pic where she’s standing with the wind blowing at her hanbok!

  • goingnutzz

    happy belated birthday lauren. these pictures are so fun and the cupcake pictures crack me up.  your kids are so fortunate to have such great pictures to remember all the important moments in life. 

  • pifamily

    awww, happy first b-day lauren! those are cute pics of you guys and the girls in their hanboks! it must’ve been a very windy day?! lauren’s cupcakes look oh so yummy!!!

  • Starbukk35

    hahaha, that’s awesome you took hanbok pics in front of the korean friendship bell.  it’s always crazy windy up there.  i’m glad they let you in to take those pictures, i’m sure the cute little girls all decked out in hanboks helped to persuade them.  AND since the park was closed, there aren’t any strangers in the background of your pictures.  perfect!  

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