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adventures in adventure city

after working through the weekend, phil got monday off last week, so we decided to head over to adventure city for some little-kid fun.  it was super UNcrowded, which was nice.  but it was also super HOT, which was not so nice.  but still a fun day nonetheless.

the little amusement park only had a handful of rides, but our kiddos really enjoyed them all and mikey was especially happy that none of the rides were “too scary” in his estimation.  he likes disneyland, but has deemed many of the rides there to be too scary and i kinda have to agree with him and was surprised to discover how many rides there have an underlying dark side.  always interesting to view life from my little boy’s perspective.

anyway, we did have ourselves a good time and i was happy to get a few fun shots of the kids who, as always, are growing much too quickly.

mikey and allie’s favorite of the day was this emergency vehicle ride.  and since there were so few people there, they were able to go again and again and again.  they only had to get out when they wanted to switch cars!  the kids weren’t big fans of the “music/sound effects” that were playing over the loudspeakers, though.  couldn’t blame them though, since it sounded like it was on its last legs and dying a slooow, painful death…

but all was well once they got on the road!

seriously, the kids rode this ride soooo many times.  initially, phil rode with the kids, til he started to feel too dizzy.  then i went a few times with lauren, til she didn’t care to ride anymore.  mikey and allie rode on, while the three of us hung out and waited for them.

finally, the kids were ready to move on and we headed over to the merry-go-round next.


lauren had a blast, too!

kid-powered trains…

caught a little show about safety.  like i mentioned, the park was quite empty!

baby toes.  i just wanna bite em!  andsometimesido!  hee hee.

and this is the face of a baby who has missed her naps and has been kept up way too long by her neglectful parents.

the only time the kids had to wait to ride was when there already was another kid or two riding and they had to wait til the ride came to an end.  no lines all day though!

can i get on yet?!

winding down with train table toys. and REDpunch. that of course got dribbled all the way down her new shirt. shedoesn’t care.


on the way out, the kids ran through this misting “rain” tent. and cameout all misty looking. i didn’t realize how furry my kids are!

close up of her misty face.


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  • babymomof2

    that might be still baby furry…you know when their just born…I LOVE THE PICS and its always great to us parents when less people……was it hot there?  Allie and Lauren looks like they were sweating…?  but Mikey looks so cool, dry and relaxed…lol..i just love the shot of Allie covering her ears, the expression tells it all…….y’all are having a great summer!…

  • mtsai

    @babymomof2 – ha ha, you noticed!  allie and lauren were totally hot and sweaty, while mikey didn’t even break a sweat!  though it WAS hot that day.  hope your planning for your ca trip is going well!

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