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vbs 2009

so last week, mikey and allie were both able to attend our church’s vacation bible school.  last year, only mikey was old enough to go, but he made it for just two of the days since lauren had literally just been born the weekend before it started.  at the time, he was extra worried about being away from me since he seemed to think i’d be back in the hospital if he left my side.  poor little guy. 

thankfully this year, things are much more stable and normal in our house, so both kiddos made it every day and loved every minute of it!  they had such a good time that allie’s still been asking if she can go back to her vbs class this week (i think mikey’s old enough now to be aware that it ended last friday and isn’t an every day kind of thing).

i wasn’t able to sign up to help out this time though, since lauren is still taking a morning nap and i had to be home with her for that.  it ended up being a really nice week for the two of us since it was the first time in lauren’s life that she’s had mommy all to herself for an extended amount of time.  i discovered she’s a pretty cool girl to hang out with and i even got to shoot a “day in the life” video of her too.

anyway, when i asked mikey and allie what their favorite part of vbs was, they both answered that they liked the music time best.  that’s good since that’s all i got pictures of!

“i will give you all my worship…”


just after i took this picture, allie spotted meand started pointing and screaming, “MOMMY!!! MOMMY!!!” just as themusic ended and many, many heads turned to look at me. heh heh…


loo, loo, skip to my loo..

i think we should have these lively worship leaders in church every sunday.

see what i mean?

not sure what she was looking at here.

awesome to see so many kids singing praises to God.

big,GIANT thank you to all who worked so tirelessly to make vbs such anawesome experience for all the kiddos (including mine!) this year. mykids learned so much and were so blessed because of it!

ok, and on an entirely unrelated note, here’s a pic of my girl in her outfit of choice these days.  accessorized with her big brother’s old crocs, of course.

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  • mamajoyjoy

    we did crocodile dock at our church too. M was old enough for ours but not potty trained, so i actually went every day with her…carrying the baby in the baby bjorn. i know, i’m crazy. the kids LOVE the music!! whenever we change the CD in the player, M goes to switch it back to the VBS CD. she did great even though she was the youngest one there. yeah, i wish worship was like that all the time. did your church make those shirts or were they from Group?love the outfit on allie. so cute!

  • hongfamilia

    it’s the cutest thing when all the kids are so intently following along with body worship.  ours was crock dock theme too!  it must’ve been a nice break for your while your older two were in vbs!

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