old blog

getting ready…

i remember being sooo excited to get a fresh, new box of 64 crayola crayons at the beginning of the school year when i was a kid.  turns out my kids are just like me and were just as excited when they discovered that mommy had bought them each their very own box.  we even put their names on them.  they were just about as happy about their crayon boxes as i was when i found them at target for $1.63! 

anyway, both mikey and allie start school tomorrow– allie will be in a three-day, three-hour preschool program, and mikey will be in a three-day, five-hour developmental kindergarten (dk) program at the same church. 

it’ll be strange to have just lauren with me in the mornings, but i’m thinking we’ll manage.    anyhow, the crayons are bought, the pencils are sharpened, the backpacks are by the door, and now we’re just about ready for the school year to start!  maybe mommy’s more ready than the kids? 



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  • babymomof2

    have fun at school…Mikey and Lauren….i love how well prepared and sentimental about going back to school……I miss the early days when school was so memorable…….now, with Sammie in 3rd…its a lot of hustling and bustling…reminding her homework and all that need to go with her…..lol..enjoy the quite and less hectic schedule……girl, i can only imagine all three kids going and busy your house will be……BTW, i’m so enjoying my time with Gracie….I bet Lauren is going to be feel something is missing, especially her brother and sister aren’t there…….Gracie still seems to look around for unnie because she usually feeds and play with her in the morning………But enjoy the peace and time with her……..its a rare and enjoy the baby stage as much as possible………hubby and i are getting sadder and sadder each day , Gracie is growing too fast….

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