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first day of school

so mikey and allie both started school on monday this week.  mikey’s in the blue butterflies class and allie is in the sunflowers class.  both were very excited to meet their teachers and see their new classrooms.  but it seems like no matter how early i get up in the morning, i still can’t get all of us ready and there on time.  being late USED to be a pet peeve of mine, but i’ve definitely had to let that go once the kids came along.  anyway, i had mikey and allie dressed, fed, teeth brushed, and allie’s hair pulled up and ready to go.  i was using the last few minutes getting lauren ready and already realizing that we were going to be cutting it close (on the first day, argh!), when allie comes into the room with her hair all messed up and beyond repair.  no idea how she managed to do that in such a short amount of time.  there was simply no time left to try and redo her hair, so i clipped it her bangs out of her face and had to let it go.

we were still five minutes late to school.  i was super flustered and exhausted already, so didn’t even have a chance to think about both kiddos starting school, let alone be sad about it.  probably a good thing.  though i did get a few pictures of this very important first day!

c’mon little sis, let me show you the ropes.

a hurried good-bye from mikey.

checking out his new classroom.

she’s got a little of the deer-in-the-headlights look, but was very excited to be in her very own class this year.  allie’s class was only an hour long for the first day, and all the parents got to stay with their kids.  meaning lauren and i got to see her in action.

her teacher, miss krista, seems very nice and warm. just what my allie-girl needs. 

jumping right in to the play-doh center.

this little girl came over and joined allie.

thankfully, allie has lots of practice sharing.  allie later told me that on their second day, this little girl came up to her and asked if she could be allie’s friend.  allie replied, “yes!”  i do hope allie makes good friends this year as she’s always been more comfortable around adults instead of with kids.  and the whole girl friends thing does make me nervous for her as she grows up.

then came story time.  for some reason, allie chose to sit up RIGHT NEXT to the teacher while everyone else sat more towards the back.

on our way out, i asked her how she liked her first day of preschool.  allie replied, “mommy, i love my beautiful class!”

on our way out, i got a peek in at mikey in his class through the window. looks like he’s doing just fine. sniff, sniff.

“i rocked my first day, mommy!”

we came back to pick up mikey at 2pm. looks like he made a couple of buddies, too.

i asked mikey what he liked best about school. he said he likes eating
lunch at school. the only thing is that he requests things like mac n
cheese, soup, or spaghetti for lunch instead of a good ol’ sandwich.
makes things a bit trickier for me to get his lunch ready in the

so glad both my kiddos enjoyed their first day of school.  hopefully they have a great rest of the year, too!

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