old blog

one project down, so many to go…

i’ve got so many projects either floating around up there, or in various stages of being started or in progress…  and it’s driving me crazy!  mostly because i don’t often get a chunk of time to work on any one thing, and when some time does come along, i find myself jumping from one thing to another in a frenzied effort to get it all done.  RIGHT THEN.  so yeah, i’ve been driving myself a little batty with it all.

but today!  both mikey and allie are in preschool, and i signed lauren up for something called “mom’s day out” at their preschool, which is during the same three hours that allie is in school.  which means, i had a glorious morning all to myself today!  i also fought the urge to go straight back to bed once i got home, too.    instead, i used the time to focus on ONE project and see it to completion.  well, almost.  i ordered the prints to be mailed to me and already have the frame, so once they get here, then i can say it’s officially completed.

can you tell what it says?  i’m planning to hang it up in our front hallway area.  it’s a surprise for phil, too.


thankfully, our last name is only four letters long! 

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